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Similar words: tóirt · teirt · toir · toirm · toit
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toirt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Mass, volume; bulk, size. Bhí ~ sléibhe ann, it was as big as a mountain. Níl ~ linbh inti, she is no bigger than a child. ~ gan tairbhe de dhuine, a useless hulk of a person. Níl ~ ná téagar iontu, they have neither size nor substance. ~ mhóilíneach, molecular volume. 2. Form, shape. Chonaic sé an ~ sa dorchadas, he saw a form in the dark. Ní raibh ~ fiaigh ná feannóige ar m’amharc, there was nothing whatever in sight; there was nothing but desolation all around me. 3. Mass, body. Ghluaiseamar d’aon ~, we proceeded in a body. 4. (In phrase) Ar an ~, on the spot, immediately.
toirt2, f = toirtín1.
Freagra, toradh, toirt ruda, a fháil, to get an answer, a result, the volume of sth.
Fear a bhfuil toirt is ~ ann, a big strongly-built man.
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