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Similar words: ait · uail · uaim · uain · uair
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uait could be a grammatical form of: ó »
uait : ó4.
An bhfuair a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Cuir uait an ~, stop playing like a child.
Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness.
~ uait féin, calm down.
~ eile seanchainte uait, give no more back-answers.
Cuir uait an ~ sin, get rid of that habit, peculiarity.
Rud a ligean uait ar ~, to let sth. go easily, foolishly.
Bhí ag brath ar litir uait, I was expecting a letter from you.
~ uait é, throw it away, drop it.
~ eile a bheadh uait? What more would you want?
Cuir chugat is uait é, let it in and out.
Ba chineálta uait é, it was kind of you.
Cuir uait an chiotaí sin, dont be so awkward, so shy.
~im arís uait é, say it again; repeat it if you dare.
~im focal uait, dont let me hear a word from you.
~ chugat is uait é, put it to and fro.
Níl ag cur chugat uait, I am not interfering with you in any way.
~ uait an scian, put the knife away.
~ uait an amaidí, give over your foolishness.
~ uait! Stop that.
Beagán de do chuid ~e(anna) uait! Let us have less of your smart talk!
~ chugat mar a dhearcas uait, do to others as you would have others do to you.
cloisim ~ uait, let me not hear a murmur out of you.
Rud a thabhairt uait gan ~, to give sth. ungrudgingly.
Más ~ atá uait, if you want to know.
~ damhairc uait, as far as your eye can see.
I bh~ uait, far away.
Rud a fhágáil uait, to lay aside sth.
bhfuair uait féin a leithéid a dhéanamh? How could you persuade yourself to do such a thing?
~ uait iad, chase them away.
~ uait iad, order them away from you.
In ainm na ~ (cuir uait é), (get rid of it) to blazes.
Is ~ uait é, you wont have long to wait for it.
Do ghéaga a shíneadh (uait), to stretch (out) ones limbs.
Cuir uait do ghearrchaint, none of your lip!
~ uait liomsa, come on along with me.
Níor thuill an ~ grua uait, you had no need to make him blush.
chreidfinn an ~ uait, I wouldnt believe anything you say.
Coinnigh fad do láimhe uait é, keep him at arms length.
theastaíonn uait cuir do dhá ~ air, if you want it grab it with both hands.
~ an téad chugat is uait, haul on the rope and slacken it (as suits).
~ chugat is uait, practise give and take; live and let live.
Rud a ~ean uait, to let sth. go; to cede, relinquish, sth.
~ an deis uait, dont let the chance slip.
~ uait an tslat, let go the rod; put down the rod.
~ uait an chaint sin, stop that talk.
~ uait do spiorad, send forth thy spirit.
~ uait briathar gan chomhlíonadh, dont utter a word that you do not mean to keep.
~ chugat is uait, give-and-take.
Ba mhaith uait é, it was good of you.
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