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uasal1, m. (gs. -ail, pl. uaisle). 1. Nobleman, gentleman. Uaisle na tíre, the noblemen, the nobility, of the country. ~ le híseal a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to patronize s.o. (As title) An tU~, Mr. S.a. íseal1 1. 2. Na huaisle, the good people, the fairies.
uasal2, a. (gsm. -ail, gsf., npl. & comp. uaisle). 1. Noble, high-born; gentle, gentlemanly. Fear, bean, ~, gentleman, gentlewoman. Is é an duine ~ é, he is a real gentleman. A dhuine uasail, (dear) sir. A bhean ~, dear madam. A dhaoine uaisle, ladies and gentlemen. S.a. íseal2 3. 2. Noble, precious, fine. Meon ~, noble mind. Gníomh ~, noble deed. Stíl ~, elevated style. Cloch ~, precious stone. Miotal ~, noble metal. Éadaí uaisle, fine clothes. 3. (Of place) Sacred to the dead; hallowed; enchanted, inhabited by fairies. 4. (As title) Brian U~ Bairéid, Mr. Brian Barrett.
A dhuine uasail, Sir.
Tá sé ina fhear uasal acu, they look on him as a gentleman.
2. ~ uasal, stoat.
~ uasal, lady.
A bhean uasal, madam.
Is é a ~, is é ~ na mná uaisle, she is welcome, the lady is welcome.
~ duine uasail, squireen; upstart.
Fear uasal, rógaire, ar a bhoinn, real gentleman, consummate rogue.
~ (duine uasail), bigwig.
~ bhua, lómhar, luachmhar, uasal, precious stone.
~ duine uasail, bigwig.
Nach é an ~ duine uasail é! What a swank he is!
Is tú ~ an duine uasail, you are a perfect gentleman.
Ag ~t leis na huaisle, toadying to the nobility.
Tá ~ duine uasail air, he lives like a gentleman.
Éireannach, fear uasal, ó dhúchas, a born Irishman, gentleman.
~ uasal, gentleman.
A dhuine uasail, sir.
Na healaíona uaisle, the fine arts.
D’~ sé ina cheardaí, ina dhuine uasal, he became a tradesman, a gentleman.
~ duine uasail, in the manner of a gentleman.
Ag maíomh a uaisle agus a fholaíochta, boasting of his nobility and descent.
Uasal ó fhréamh, of gentle origin; gentle by nature.
~ uasal, anuasal, noble, ignoble, blood.
~ den uaisle, scion of the nobility.
Is ~ íseal agus uasal aige, he treats high and low alike, is no respecter of persons.
Idir uasal agus ~, both high and low, great and small.
Ní ~ ná uasal ach thíos seal thuas seal, everyone has his ups and downs in life.
Duine ~ uasal é, he is a gentleman with the common touch.
~ uasal, noble bearing.
Ní huaisle ~ rí ná a chuid, handsome is as handsome does.
~ lómhar, uasal, noble metal.
An t-~ uasal, the noble youth.
Uaisle agus ~, nobility and valour.
~ duine uasail, great gentleman.
~ duine uasail, a scholar and a gentleman.
Bhí ~ fir uasail agam ann, I lived like a gentleman there.
Ag ~ i ndiaidh na n-uasal, toadying to the gentry.
~ uasal, gent, worthy, notability.
An ~, the nobility;
~ an tsaoil seo, the princes of this world.
~ fola, noble blood.
~ méine, nobility of mind.
Eochair ~ éadach, fine feathers make fine birds.
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