In ~ céille, discréide, na tuisceana, at the age of reason, of discretion, of understanding.
2. ~ (chinn), intelligence, understanding.
Ciall agus tuiscint agus ~ chinn, sense and understanding and intelligence.
Ciall, tuiscint, a fháil, to get sense, understanding.
An fear is ~e i dtuiscint, the man with the keenest understanding.
~ chinn, intelligence, understanding.
~ ar obair, having a good understanding of work.
Tá cuma thuisceanach air, he looks to be a man of understanding.
~ ar obair, ar chúrsaí leighis, ar an saol, an understanding of work, of medical matters, of life.
~ a bheith agat do dhaoine, to have a symphathetic understanding of people.
Tá an cás ó thuiscint, the case is past all understanding.