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Tá sé bliain d’~, he is a year old.
Tá orlach, bliain, agat orm, you are an inch taller, a year older, than I am.
Is ~ má tá sé bliain d’aois, he is barely a year old.
Tá an seanduine ag breith (na haimsire) leis go maith, the old man is wearing (his years) well.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Tá sé ina bhog-sheanduine, he is getting on in years, beginning to look old.
~ le bliain d’aois, more than a year old.
Is sine de chúig bliana é ná mise, he is five years older than me.
Níl sí bliain d’aois ach ar ~, she is hardly a year old.
'Conas taoi?' 'Ag éirí a trí,' 'How are you?' 'Like a three-year old'.
Leanbh i g~ a bhliana, a year-old child.
Bheith ~, to be old in years.
Tá an bhliain ~ aige, he is a full year old.
Thit an seanduine go mór le bliain, the old man has declined a lot during the past year.
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