ithe, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ite). 1. vn. of ith1. 2. Eating. (a) ~ agus ól, eating and drinking. Tá ~ agus ól ann, (of thick soup, etc.) it is both meat and drink. Is maith an t-~ é, it makes good eating. (b) Thug mé ~ na páirce dóibh, I let them graze the field. Níor chuir sé ~ ar an bhféar go fóill, he hasn’t had the grass grazed yet. (c) Tá ~ ar an iasc, the fish are biting. (d) ~ na meirge, corrosion by rust. ~ croí, remorse of heart. ~ na taoide, tide-rip. ~ amhrais, torment of doubt. ~ na gcomharsan, reviling of neighbours. Fuair mé ~ uathu, they ate me alive. (Var: f)
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
Ní stadann sé ~ ag ithe, he never stops eating.
Níl ~ aici ar fheoil a ithe, she can’t take meat.
Tá sé ag caint, ag ithe, he is speaking, eating.
Tá siad ag ithe as ~ a chéile anois, they are the best of friends now.
~ ruda, de rud, a ithe, a ól, to eat, drink, one’s fill of sth.
Rud a ithe, a ól, ~ te, to eat, drink, sth. while it is warm.
3. ~ a ithe, to glut oneself with food.
Tá rud éigin ~ leis sin á ithe aige, he is eating something besides that.
Má tá sé ~ againn, dúinn, feoil a ithe, if we are allowed to eat meat.
Chuir sé ~ air féin ag ithe, he ate until he surfeited himself.
Chuir sé ~ air féin ag ithe, he stuffed his paunch with food.
An ~ a thabhairt le hithe do dhuine, to give s.o. an unmerciful scolding.
Do dhinnéar a dhéanamh, a chaitheamh, a ithe, to take one’s dinner.
Rud a fháil le hithe, to get sth. to eat.
Ní féidir le duine a bheith ag ~ agus ag ithe mine, a man can’t whistle and drink at the same time.
Ag ithe na feola fuaire, backbiting, slandering, people.
~ a ithe, a ól, to eat, drink, a fair amount.
~ a ithe, a ól, to eat, drink, a large quantity.
~ duine eile a ithe, to eat the remains of s.o. else’s meal.
Rud a ithe (amach) as an n~ bheirithe, to eat sth. steaming hot.
~ a ithe, to stuff oneself with food.
~ a ithe, to eat stolen food.
~ a ithe, to take a bite.
1. Bia a ~e, to eat food.
~e as lámh duine, to eat out of s.o.’s hand, be subservient to s.o.
Ag ~e na ngort, grazing the fields.
Ag ~e a chuid ingne, biting his nails.
Bhí sé ag ~e na méar de féin, he was biting his fingers from vexation.
Tá an mheirg ag ~e an iarainn, the rust is corroding the iron.
An fharraige ag ~e an chósta, the sea eroding the coast.
Ná bí ag ~e an chroí asat féin, don’t be eating your heart out.
Ag ~e na gcomharsan, reviling, backbiting, the neighbours.
Tá siad ag ~e a chéile ar fad, they are always quarrelling.
Ag ~e is ag gearradh ar a chéile, reviling each other.
Bhí sé ag ~e na cainte, na bhfocal, he was mumbling his speech, his words.
Rud a ithe ar ~, to eat sth. dry, without condiment.
~ a ithe, a ól, to eat, drink, a large amount.
Bhí sé ag ithe na ~ de féin mar gheall air, he deeply regretted it.
Do sháith a ithe, a ól, to eat, drink, one’s fill.
Do shásamh a ithe, to eat one’s fill.
Ná ~ do ghoile ag ithe, don’t swell your stomach with all that eating.
~ a dhéanamh díot féin (ag ithe, ag ól), to fill oneself up (with food, drink), to gorge oneself.
~ greim le hithe dó, give him a bite to eat.
Do theannsáith a ithe, to cram oneself with food.