stair, f. (gs. ~e, pl. -artha). 1. History. ~ na tíre, the history of the country. Ag foghlaim ~e, learning history. Leabhar ~e, history-book. Ó thús ~e, from the dawn of history. 2. Account, story. ~ Earcail, the story of Hercules. Tá startha fada aige ar na daoine a tháinig roimhe, he tells lengthy stories of the people who came before him. Startha suilt, humorous anecdotes. Ag tabhairt startha ar dhaoine, telling tales, spreading reports, about people. Lig de do startha, stop your gossiping. 3. Lit: Repute, fame. Fear ab ard ~, a man of high renown. Bean is fearr ~, a woman of fairest fame.
Deir lucht staire linn, historians inform us.
~ ar stair, ar theangacha, ignorant of history, of languages.
Tá ~ staire leis, it is based on history.
Cuireadh ~eanna staire orainn, we were asked questions in history.
Stair dhiaga, scriptural history.
amhrán, scéalta, staire, song-, story-, history-, book.
~ staire, teangacha, the teaching of history, of languages.
Stair, leabhair, ~, sacred history, books.
An ~ staire, the history paper.
~ staire, historiographer.
Stair, filíocht, a ~, to write history, poetry.
Chuaigh sé le stair, he went in for history.
~ an staighre, an bóthar, (coming) up the stairs, the road.
Staighre, cnoc, a ardú, to ascend a stairs, a hill.
~ staighre, urláir, stair-, floor-, carpet.
~ staighre, leapa, foot of stairs, of bed.
~ staighre, mala, head of stairs, of incline.
~ staighre, dréimire, step of stairs, of ladder.
Ag ~ an staighre, at the turn in the stairs.
~ staighre, step of stairs.
Ná ~ anuas an staighre iad, don’t let them (come) down the stairs.
Ghlaoigh sé orm ó bhun an staighre, he called me from the bottom of the stairs.
~ staighre, handrail of stairs,
Dul ~ an staighre, an bóthar, to go down the stairs, the road.
Dul suas, síos, an ~, to go up, down, the stairs.
1. ~eanna staighre, steps of stairs.
~ an staighre, an bóthar, an sliabh, up the stairs, the road, the mountain.
Ag teacht anuas an staighre, an sliabh, coming down the stairs, the mountain.