Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: tibh · tiugh · tubh · ibh · tibhe
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
tiubh1, m. (gs. ~). Thick part; press, throng. ~ a shliasaide, the thick of his thigh. I d~ na coille, in the thickness of the wood. I d~ an tslua, an áir, in the thick of the host, of the slaughter. Le taca agus le ~ na talún, supported by the solid earth.
tiubh2, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. tibhe, npl. ~a). 1. Thick, dense, closely set. Ábhar ~, thick material. Craiceann ~, thick skin. Duilliúr ~, thick foliage. Ceann ~ gruaige, thick head of hair. Tuile thiubh, dense flood. Ola thiubh, thick oil. Miotal ~, heavy-gauge metal. Fál ~, thickset hedge. Ag cur go ~, raining heavily. Lámhach ~, heavy fire. Ná cuir na plandaí chomh ~ sin, don’t set the plants so close together. An áit ba ~ ba tanaí, groups were scattering in all directions. 2. Fast. Chomh ~ (géar, te) is a thig leat, as fast as ever you can. Bhí sé ~ agam, he was a bit too fast for me, more than a match for me. Labhairt go ~, to speak fast. (Var: comp. ~a)
tiubh3 = tiubhaigh.
Ar fad, ar leithead, ar airde, ar doimhneacht, ar tiús, in length, breadth, height, depth, thickness.
~ ramhar, téachta, tiubh, thick milk.
Chomh tiubh ~ is a thig leat, as fast as ever you can.
Tá an t-airgead ag imeacht go tiubh, the money is going fast.
Chomh tiubh le ~, as thick as fern, very plentiful.
Tá siad ag teacht go tiubh ar shála a chéile, they are coming in rapid succession.
Ola thiubh a thanú, to crack thick oil.
Bhí sé san áit ba tibhe ~, he was in the thick of the fight.
Go tiubh ~, hotfoot.
Chomh tiubh le ~, like a hail of bullets.
~ éadaigh, thickness of cloth.
~ leachta, thickness of liquid.
~ fáis, thickness of growth.
~ daonra, density of population.
~ plandaí in iomaire, closeness of plants in ridge.
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