tréith1, f. (gs. & pl. ~e). 1. Trait, characteristic; quality, accomplishment. ~e pearsanta, personal traits, personality. ~e dúchais, natural qualities. Tá ~e fónta ann, he has good qualities. ~e suntasacha na tíre, the distinctive features of the country. Tá an ~ sin inti, it is a trait in her character. Is dá dtréithe é, it is characteristic of them. Tá sé de thréith aige go mbíonn muinín ag daoine as, he has the quality to inspire confidence in people. Fios a thréithe a thabhairt do dhuine, to tell s.o. some home truths. 2. Accomplishment, achievement. Síleann sé féin go bhfuil ~e déanta aige, he himself thinks he has done wonders. 3. Trick, prank. Nach ann atá na ~e! Isn’t he the trickster! Chaith sé uaidh na ~e, he stopped play-acting.
tréith2, a1. Weak, feeble.
tréith3, var. gs. of triath.
Tréithe ~a, strongly-marked characteristics.
Tréithe ~, sound qualities.
Tá an tréith sin ag ~ leo, that trait runs in them.
Gan ~ tréithe, not lacking in talent.
Ar ~ a thréithe, for his noble traits.