How did you enjoy your holidays? cé mar a thaitnigh na laethanta saoire leat?
A free day, lá scoirthe, lá saoire.
General holiday, lá saoire poiblí; saoire phoiblí.
I am going to spend my holidays abroad, tá beartaithe agam, tá ar intinn agam, dul thar sáile ar mo laethanta saoire.
The holidays, na laethanta saoire.
Hurrah for the holidays! na laethanta saoire go deo!
How long does your leave last? cá fhad a bheidh laethanta saoire agat?
How long are the holidays? cá fhad a mhairfeas na laethanta saoire?
Ecc: Day of obligation, lá saoire fógartha (Eaglaise).
I have the day off, tá lá saoire agam.
Off day, (i) lá saoire; (ii) lá neamhghnóthach.
Day out, lá saor (ag lucht aimsire).
Public holiday, lá saoire poiblí.
The holiday season, tréimhse f na laethanta saoire.