Deep-sea fishery, iascaireacht f na mara móire, na teiscinne móire.
There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it, tá lán mara eile san fharraige.
Black flag, bratach dhubh (foghlaí mara).
Land and sea forces, fórsaí talún agus mara.
The shipping interest, lucht tráchta mara.
Sea lavender, labhandar mara.
Land-lubber, aineolaí m mara.
Porcupine fish, cuan m mara.
Rising tide, líonadh m (mara).
The Jolly Roger, an brat dubh (ag foghlaithe mara).
The romance of the sea, draíocht na mara.
Sea-girt island, oileán mara; oileán i gcrioslach na mara.
The South Sea Islands, Oileáin na Mara Theas.
F: The spell of the sea, draíocht na mara.
Naval surveyor, suirbhéir m mara.
He was swept off his feet by the tide, chuir an lán mara óna chosa é, bhain an fharraige é.
Hard-tack, (i) brioscaí mpl mara; (ii) F: an braon crua. S.a. SOFT-TACK.
Nau: The top of the flood, of the tide, barr taoide, barr láin, lán mara.
Z: Sea-unicorn, aonadharcach mara.
Naval warfare, cogadh m mara.