muir1, f. (gs. & pl. mara). Sea. 1. An mhuir mhór, the open sea, the ocean. ~ intíre, inland, enclosed, sea. ~ scairbhe, epicontinental sea. Ar ~, at sea. Thar ~, over, beyond, the sea. Ar ~ agus ar tír, on sea and land. De mhuir agus de thír, by sea and land. Long mhara, sea-going ship. Tonn mhara, ocean wave. Éin mhara, sea-birds. Ainmhithe mara, marine animals. Plandaí mara, maritime plants. Prov: Ní fhanann ~ le fear sotail, time and tide wait for no man. S.a. bó1 2, eascann 1, lán1 3, maighdean 2, scian1 3, seol1 3 (a), sionnach 2, sliogán 1 (b), spéirlint 2, súil 2 (a). 2. (In phrase) ~ théachta, frozen sea; vast amount. Tá na prátaí ina ~ théachta aige, he has a great crop of potatoes. Shíl sé go raibh an mhuir théachta aige, he thought his fortune was made.
muir2, f. (In phrase) ~ chlúmhach = Máirín an chlúimh :máirín 1.
~ tíre, mara, landscape, seascape.
~ mara agus tíre, the beauty, enchantment, of sea and land.
ar muir, ar cíos, ar cosa in airde, on sea, rented, galloping. In qualified or particularized references it lenites, e.g.
ar mhuir na beatha, ar chíos mór, on the sea of life, at a high rent. Eclipses in a few instances, e.g.
~ mhara, an arm of the sea.
~ láin (mhara), ~ taoide, high tide; high-water mark.
~ aeir, bus, éalaithe, mara, trádála, air, bus, escape, sea, trade, route.
~ mhara, dhearg, plankton.
~ mara, plumose (sea-) anemone.
2. ~ mhara, sea-cow, manatee.
An mhuir, an fharraige, bhraonach, the ocean flood; the wide ocean.
~eadh ar muir iad, they perished at sea.
~ farraige, mara, na dtonn, spindrift, spume.
3. ~ mara, (i) angel-fish, (ii) calamity.
Cad é an ~ mara a sheol anseo é? What mischance brought him here?
Ar chiumhais na trá, na mara, on the edge of the strand, of the sea.
Tá ~ ar muir agus ar tír, there is a calm on sea and land.
~ mara agus tíre, food gathered from sea and land.
~ mara, spéire, domhanda, adamhach, naval, aerial, world, atomic, war(fare).
Thar cholbha na mara, beyond the rim of the sea.
Ag comhrac na mara, na dtonn, combating the sea, the waves.
~ fear ag muir, duine ag an mbás, the sea, death, is no respecter of persons.
Ní dhearna sé stad (mara) ná ~, fos ná ~, sos ná ~, (go), he neither stopped nor stayed (until).
4. ~ (mhara), nestling of gannet.
Ar chósta na mara, on the sea-coast.
Ar chrioslach na mara, on the bosom, surface, of the sea.
Thar dhroim na mara, over the surface of the sea.
Thar dhromchla na díleann, na mara, over the crest, surface, of the sea.
~ mara agus trá, ebb and flow.
~ aille, mara, cliff-, sea-, bird.
~ mhara, uisce, sea-, water-, fowl.
Bhaineadh siad ~ as muir agus tír, they profited from sea and land.
~ choncair, mhara, conger eel.
~ mhara, (species of) sandpiper.
~ mara, coast watcher, coastguard.
~ mara, farraige, pirate.