cogadh, m. (gs. -aidh, pl. -aí). War. ~ a chur ar, to make war on. ~ a fhearadh, a throid, to wage, fight, a war. Dul chun cogaidh (le), to go to war (with). Bhí siad i g~ le chéile, they were at war with each other. Bhí ~ orainn, war was being made on us. Beidh sé ina chogadh dearg eatarthu, there will be out and out war between them. ~ mara, spéire, domhanda, adamhach, naval, aerial, world, atomic, war(fare). Fear cogaidh, warrior, war leader. Each, eitleán, cogaidh, war-horse, war-plane. ~ cathartha, (i) (ancient) war between cities, (ii) civil war. ~ talún, land-war. C~ na Saoirse, War of Independence. ~ na gcarad, quarrel between friends. Prov: ~ carad caoi namhad, disunity plays into the hands of the enemy. Prov: Ní buan ~ na gcarad, a quarrel between friends is soon healed. ~ na sifíní, storm in a tea-cup. (As vn.) Ag ~ le, warring with. S.a. bata 3, reithe 3 (b), snáthadán 2 (a).
In ~ an chogaidh, during the war.
Tá cogadh air, there is a war brewing.
Cluiche, cogadh, a bhaint, to win a game, a war.
~ cogaidh, black knapweed.
~ chogaidh, battle stratagem.
Ar bhruach cogaidh, on the verge of war.
~ cogaidh, (rush) helmet.
~ cogaidh, céachta, cóiste, rása, seilge, ualaigh, charger, plough-horse, coach-horse, racehorse, hunter, pack-horse.
Cogadh ~, real war, war in earnest.
Clann Chathaoir ~ an chogaidh, Clann Chathaoir, the fomentors of war.
~ bruíne, cogaidh, fomenting of strife, of war.
Cogaí na Croise, the (wars of the) Crusades.
Cogadh a chur, to wage a war.
Cogadh na nDeachúna, the Tithe War.
Cogadh a dhéanamh, to make war.
Bhí cogadh ~ ann, there was bloody war; they had a regular set-to.
~ bagáiste, iompair, rása, cogaidh, baggage-, riding-, race-, war-, horse.
Má éiríonn cogadh, if a war starts.
Cogadh a fhearadh, to wage war.
Cogadh a fhógairt, to declare war.
~ cogaidh, declaration of war.
~ cogaidh, gaisce, bristling war-weapons.
~ chogaidh, theatre of war.
Má ~ann an cogadh mar seo, if the war goes on like this.
~ cogaidh, farraige, training in the art of warfare, of seamanship.
~eadar ar chogadh, they rushed to war.
~ cogaidh, naval armament, warships.
~ cogaidh, war stores, munitions.
Mhair an cogadh bliain, the war lasted a year.
~ chointinne, chogaidh, source of contention, of war.
~ chogaidh, warlike operation.
2. ~ agus lón cogaidh, ordnance and supplies.
~ cogaidh, battering-ram.
Ba iad ~ chogaidh na tíre iad, they were the protecting warriors of the land.
Beidh ~ ina chogadh eatarthu, there will be war between them.
Chomh fada ~ le Cogadh na Talún, as far back as the Land War.
~ (cogaidh), daddy-long-legs, crane-fly.
~ an cogadh timpeall an domhain, the war spread round the world.
Achrann, trioblóid, cogadh, a tharraingt, to cause strife, trouble, a war.
Ó thosaigh an cogadh, since the war began.