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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: clos · cos · craos · crios · crois
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cros1, f. (gs. -oise, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Cross. (a) Comhartha, fíor, na Croise, the sign of the cross. Turas na Croise, the Stations of the Cross. An Chros Naofa, the Holy Cross. ~ chéasta, crucifix. ~ Cheilteach, Ghréagach, Laidineach, Mháltach, Celtic, Greek, Latin, Maltese, cross. ~ Bhríde, Phádraig, St. Brigid’s, St. Patrick’s, cross. Astr: ~ an Deiscirt, the Southern Cross. An Chros Dhearg, the Red Cross. Cogaí na Croise, the (wars of the) Crusades. ~ an bhaile, an mhargaidh, the town, market, cross. ~ a dhéanamh de rudaí, to place things crosswise. D’ólfadh, ghoidfeadh, sé an chros den asal, he would drink, steal, the cross off an ass’s back. (b) Crosspiece. ~ claímh, cross-hilt of sword. Go ~, to the hilt. S.a. bata 1, cos 1, lochta2 2, maide 1 (b). (c) Airgead croise, coin engraved with cross; florin. Níl ~ na cianóige, na feoirlinge, aige, he hasn’t a penny. 2. Trial, affliction. Na ~a atá i ndán dúinn, the trials we must face, the crosses we must bear. Tá a chrosa roimhe, his troubles are still to come. 3. Prohibition. ~ a chur in éadan ruda, to prohibit, declare an impediment to, sth. ~ Dé ina éadan, God forbid it. 4. (pl.) Pranks, mischief. Ag déanamh ~, doing what is prohibited, making mischief. Is tú atá ag déanamh na g~, you are the cause of all the mischief.
cros2, v.t. 1. Cross. (a) Tú féin a chrosadh (in aghaidh urchóide), to make the sign of the cross on oneself (against harm). (Agus) ~aim (arís) thú, (usually after imprecation) but I hope no harm will befall you; I withdraw the imprecation. Go gcrosa Dia sin! God forbid! (b) Traverse. Gur chros siad an tír, until they crossed the country. Chros sé an abhainn siar, he crossed the river on his way westwards. 2. Prohibit, forbid. Rud a chrosadh ar dhuine; ~adh ar dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to forbid s.o. to do sth. Chros sé orm imeacht, he forbade me to go. Chros sé an bia orainn, he forbade us to take the food. An rud atá ~ta (air) is é a dhéanfaidh sé, he is sure to do what is forbidden. 3. Contradict. Chros sé an focal i mo bhéal, he prevented me from making my statement; he contradicted me flatly.
cros4 = crosadh.
cros-3, pref. Cross-
~ croise, money engraved with cross; florin.
~ croise, crutch.
Níl cros na ~ agam, I haven’t a penny.
Ní fiú cros na cianóige é, it is worthless.
~ na croise, the sign of the cross.
Ghearr sé ~ na croise air féin, he made the sign of the cross (on himself).
~a croise, ~a fuara, stilts.
~ oilc, éagóra, prohibition of evil, of injustice.
Ceart crosta, right of veto.
~ a chur ar dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to forbid s.o. to do sth.
Teacht ~ ar dhuine, to fall foul of s.o.
Tháinig na bealaí ~ orm, I was uncertain which way to take.
Tá sé ~ ina, ar a, mheisce, he is troublesome when drunk.
~ na gcnoc, across the hills.
Chuaigh an fiach siar ~, the hunt went to the west.
C~ na Croise Deirge, the Red Cross Society.
Tar ~ gur crosadh air é, even though he had been forbidden to do it.
~ na Croise, the sign of the Cross.
Ghearr sí ~ na Croise uirthi féin, she made the sign of the Cross.
Fíor na croise a ghearradh ort féin, to make the sign of the cross on oneself.
~ cros, feart, many crosses, graves.
~ croise, rood-loft.
~ croise, crutch.
D’~fadh sé an sop as an tsrathair, an chros den asal, cába Chríost, he is an irredeemable drunkard.
~ croise, ~ crosach, coin engraved with cross, florin.
~ croise, cross-arm of cross.
~ na Croise, the Stations of the Cross.
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