Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
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Tá iontráil i bhFoclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge i dtaobh person »
person, s. 1 a Duine m, neach m. Any person, aon duine. Private person, gnáthdhuine m. He is no respecter of persons, is cuma leis íseal seachas uasal. b Jur: Pearsa f -n. Some person or persons unknown, duine nó dream anaithnid. He went in person, chuaigh sé féin féin ann. The letter was delivered to him in person, tugadh an litir dó féin féin. c To have a commanding person, cuma cheannasach a bheith ort. d Th: Lit: Pearsa f (i ndráma). 2 Gram: Verb in the first person, briathar sa chéad phearsa.
To abet a person in a crime, duine a spreagadh, a ghríosú, chun coire.
Jur: To aid and abet a person, cabhrú agus neartú le duine.
To send a person about his business, an bóthar a thabhairt do dhuine.
To absolve a person from a sin, aspalóid f a thabhairt do dhuine i bpeaca.
Abusive person, scalladóir m, feannadóir m.
To beg a person's acceptance of sth., iarraidh ar dhuine glacadh le rud,
Acceptance of persons, fabhar m.
Without acceptance of persons, gan fabhar do dhuine ach oiread le chéile.
To accommodate a person, gar m a dhéanamh do dhuine, duine a riaradh.
To accommodate a person with a loan, iasacht a thabhairt do dhuine.
To accompany a person on the piano, duine a thionlacan ar an bpianó.
Person of high account, duine mórluachach.
(Of moneys, land, etc.) To accrue to a person, titim, teacht, chuig duine.
To accuse a person of sth., rud a chur i leith duine, a chasadh le duine, a chur síos do dhuine, a fhágáil ar dhuine.
To become acquainted with a person, aithne a chur ar dhuine.
To acquit a person of sth., duine a shaoradh ar rud.
To come, to drop, across a person, casadh ar duine (de thaisme).
To act for a person, ionad duine a dhéanamh; gníomhú thar cheann duine.
To bring an action against a person, an dlí a chur ar dhuine; duine a thabhairt chun dlí.
Adaptable person, duine a théas le comhar, duine soghluaiste.
Jur: Aggrieved person, duine éagóirithe.
Antiquated dress, person, culaith, duine, den seandéanamh.
You may bring any person you like, féadfaidh tú do rogha duine a thabhairt leat.
Any person who pays a pound, an té, gach duine, a íocfas punt...
A person who has a good appetite, duine dea-ghoiliúil.
Authorized person, duine a bhfuil údarás aige.
To be at the back of a person, (i) a bheith ar chúl duine; (ii) a bheith mar chúl taca ag duine.
To call a person back, glaoch ar ais ar dhuine.
A blind person, dall m.
To bring persons together again, athchairdeas a dhéanamh idir daoine.
To give a person a call, glaoch, scairteadh, ar duine.
To pay, make, a call on a person, dul ar cuairt chuig duine.
To call a person after s.o., duine a mhuinniú as duine, a ainmniú as duine.
To call a person names, leasainmneacha a ghlaoch ar dhuine; duine a bhaint as a ainm.
To call down curses on a person's head, mallachtaí a chur ar dhuine.
To calm a person down, foighne a chur i nduine.
A captious person, cailicéir m.
A certain person, duine áirithe.
A double-chinned person, preicleachán m, geolbhachán m.
A cold-blooded person, fuaránach m;
(Contemptuous)Coloured person, duine de chine daite.
Congenial person, duine a mbeadh bá agat leis.
A considerable number of persons, riar maith daoine.
A corpulent person, méallachán m.
A covetous person, santachán m, amplóir m.
A crazy person, duine buile, gealt f.
A closely cropped person, bearrachán m.
A cruel person, cruálaí m.
The dead person, an marbh.
A dead-and-alive person, bás m ina sheasamh.
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