To have a dig at s.o., sáiteán, priocadh, a thabhairt do dhuine.
F: To freshen s.o. up, priocadh agus cíoradh a dhéanamh ar dhuine, duine a phointeáil.
To go on at s.o., bheith ag gabháil do dhuine, ag priocadh le duine, ag aithisiú duine.
(Of fish) To nibble at the bait, bheith ag priocadh an bhaoite.
Aut: To nip the inner tube, priocadh a chur sa lamhnán.
To poke at sth. with a stick, bheith ag priocadh ruda le maide.
To poke the fire out, an tine a mhúchadh le teann prioctha.
Titivated, prioctha, fáiscthe.
Twinge of conscience, priocadh m, broideadh m (coinsiasa).