To accredit an ambassador to a government, ambasadóir a chreidiúnú do rialtas.
My rights (as) against the Government, mo cheartsa os coinne an rialtais.
They took up arms against the government, chuaigh siad i ndeabhaidh lainne leis an rialtas.
The Government has a broad back, is deacair an Rialtas a bhánú.
Care-taker government, rialtas sealadach.
To pass censure on the Government, an Rialtas a cháineadh.
Under government control, faoi stiúradh an rialtais.
The Government has fallen, tá an Rialtas briste.
Form of government, saghas rialtais.
Monarchical government, rialtas monarcach.
Government offices, oifigí rialtais.
Government loan, iasacht rialtais.
To form a government, rialtas a dhéanamh.
The government party, páirtí an rialtais.
Heavy-handed government, rialtas tíoránta.
Jur: To impeach s.o. for high treason, tréas (in aghaidh rí, rialtas) a chur síos do dhuine, a chur i leith duine.
To rise in insurrection, éirí amach (in aghaidh rialtais).
The Government will not last a year, ní chuirfidh an Rialtas isteach an bhliain; ní mhairfidh an Rialtas bliain.
Local Government, rialtas áitiúil.
Machinery of government, gléas m rialtais.
The onus lies upon the government to . . ., is ar an rialtas atá ...
He is an open enemy of the Government, tá sé ina namhaid ag an Rialtas os comhair an tsaoil.
Professed enemy of the Government, namhaid oscailte ag an rialtas.
Puppet government, rialtas soip.
To recognize a government, glacadh le rialtas.
Representative government, rialtas ionadaíochta.
The rulers, lucht an rialtais.
Seat of government, ionad m an rialtais.
Government securities, fuillimh rialtais.
The state obtained self-government, bhain an stát amach ceart rialtais dó féin.
He brought the Government toppling down, bhris sé an Rialtas.
To turn out the government, an rialtas a chur as réim, as oifig.
Under government control, faoi cheannas rialtais.
The wheels of government, modhanna mpl casta an rialtais.