Níor chleacht mé a ~, I was not accustomed to anything different.
An saol, an obair, an bia, an chuideachta, na háiteanna, a chleacht sé, the life, the work, the food, the company, the places, he was accustomed to.
Chleacht siad fíon lena gcuid, they were accustomed to take wine with their food.
Duine a chleachtadh le rud, to accustom s.o. to sth.
Bheith, éirí, ~a ar, le, rud, to be, to get, accustomed to sth.
Tú féin a chló le rud, to accustom oneself to sth.
Chleacht siad an ~ maith, they are accustomed to good living.
Dul i d~ ruda, to become accustomed to sth.
Rud a thaithí, taithí le rud, to become accustomed to sth.
~ ar rud, accustomed to sth.
~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to become accustomed to sth., to familiarize oneself with sth.
Duine a thuar le haimsir, le hobair, to accustom s.o. to climate, to work.