Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: caobh · caodh · caomh · cac · cách
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
caoch1, m. (gs. -oich, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).Blind, purblind, creature, person. ~ láibe, mole. ~ láibe a dhéanamh de dhuine, to beat s.o. into the ground, to trounce s.o.
caoch2, f. (gs. -oiche).1. Agr:~ rua, rust. 2. Bot:~ na gcearc, henbane.
caoch3, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. -oiche, npl. ~a). 1. (Of creature) Blind, purblind. Bheith ~ ar rud, to be blind to sth.; to turn a blind eye to sth. Teacht taobh na súile caoiche ar dhuine, to get on the blind side of s.o. Síle chaoch a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a fool of s.o., to make s.o. look silly. S.a. file2. Bhuail sé ~ mé, bhuaigh sé ~ orm, he beat me hollow. Bhí sé ~ (ar meisce, ar na cannaí), he was blind drunk. S.a. creabhar2, earcán1, móróg. 2. (a)(Of seed-vessel) Blind, empty. Coirce ~, blasted oats. Cnó ~, blind nut. S.a. neantóg. (b)(Of place) Blind, closed up. Doras, póirse, ~, blind, walled-up, door, archway. Cosán, clós, ~, blind path, alley. Tobar ~, dead well. S.a. cartús2, greim 3(a).3. Cards: Non-trump. Cuireata ~, non-trump knave. S.a. scadán n.
caoch4, v.t. & i. 1. Blind; daze, dazzle. Chaoch an solas mé, the light dazzled me. Chaoch sé le seanchas mé, he confounded me with ancient lore. Chaoch an bhiotáille é, the spirits dazed, stupefied, him. ~ta, blind drunk. 2. (Of seed-vessel) Become empty, wither. Chaoch an coirce, the oats blasted. 3. Close, become blocked. Chaoch an píopa, the pipe choked. 4. (a) Wink (ar, at). ~adh, súil a chaochadh (ar dhuine), to wink, wink an eye (at s.o.). fig:Oiread is a chaochfadh súil, a tiny little bit. (b) Flicker.
~ chaoch, blind gap.
~ air! Bad scran to him!
~ beo, caoch, caite, live, blank, spent, cartridge.
~ caoch, blind nut.
~ (caoch, coille), woodcock.
~ (agus caochadh, dubhadh) orm (má), strike me blind (if).
~ (caoch), blindworm, slow-worm.
~ caoch a dhéanamh de dhuine, to knock s.o. into a cocked hat.
~ bruaigh, claí, caoch, hedge-sparrow.
~ caoch, fagóideachta, laisce, slabhra, snaidhme, trasna, slip-, faggoting-, whip-, chain-, knot-, cross-, stitch.
~ chaoch, (nickname for) sandpiper.
~ chaoch, dead-nettle.
~ caoch, blind pension.
~ chaoch, robbing without having the ace of trumps in hand.
3. ~ caoch, salted milk or water used as potato-dip.
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