Sa, leis an, lá ~, in broad daylight.
Má bheireann an lá, an sagart, air, if he lives till daylight, until the priest comes.
I g~ an lae, in the middle of the day; in broad daylight.
8. Rud a dhéanamh le ~ an lae, to do sth. with the advantage of daylight.
~ sholais, lae, glimmer of light, of daylight.
Tá an lá ag diúltú dá sholas, the daylight is fading.
I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight.
Lá ~, a clear day; clear daylight.
Tá an ~ bán ann, it is clear daylight.
Le solas an lae, by daylight.
I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight.
Tá ár sáith de ~ againn, we have enough daylight left.
Thugamar an ~ linn go ceann scríbe, we reached our destination in daylight.
Ar ~ an lae, by daylight.
Bhí sé ~ a bheadh an lá geal ann, it was like broad daylight.
Le ~ an lae, by daylight.
Le ~ an lae, by daylight; at dawn.
An chéad ~ den lá, the first glimmer of daylight.
Thugamar an lá linn abhaile, we got home by daylight.
Sula dté de sholas an lae orainn, before daylight fails us.
Chuirfeadh an áit sin ~ ort (dá mba i lár an lae ghil é), that place would give you an eerie feeling (even in broad daylight).