Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
Cuireadh go dtí a aon bheart é, he was driven to his last expedient.
Tá mé i mbarr mo chéille agaibh, you have driven me to the point of distraction.
~ trína chroí, a nail (driven) through his heart.
An uile thairne ina chodladh, every nail driven home.
~eadh an long dá cúrsa, the ship was driven off course.
Ruaigeadh le clocha iad, they were driven off with stones.
Cuirfear i leith an mhála é, he will be driven to beg.
~ an sneachta séidte, like driven snow.
~ ghainimh, shneachta, driven sand, snow.
Sneachta ~tha, driven snow.
~ síobtha, ~ séidte, driven snow.
Tá sé ~tha agaibh, you have driven him crazy.
~adh thar an mblár iad, they were driven across the plain.
~adh an Donn Cuailgne ina cheann, the Donn Cuailgne was driven towards him.
~tear an fean le beilt, the fan is driven by a belt.
~eadh ar gcúl sinn, we were driven back.
Tá mé curtha ó theach is ó threibh acu, they have driven me out of house and land, they have ruined me.