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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: call · ceall · ciallú · cill · iall
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ciall1, f. (gs. céille, npl. ~a, gpl. ~; ds. céill used in certain phrases), Sense. 1. Sanity. Do chiall a bheith agat, to be in one’s senses. Dul as do chiall, to take leave of one’s senses. Do chiall a chailleadh, to lose one’s reason. A chiall a bhaint de dhuine, to deprive s.o. of his senses. Duine a chur as a chiall, to drive s.o. insane. Tá sé as a chiall, he is out of his mind. Chuir siad mo chiall ar mo mhuin dom, they drove me crazy. S.a. saochan. 2. Normal state of mind. Teacht ar do chiall, to come to one’s senses. ~ a chur i nduine, to bring s.o. to his senses. Ní raibh ~ le cur ann, he was not amenable to reason. Duine a thabhairt chun céille, to make s.o. see reason. Duine ar a, ina, chiall, anyone in his senses. Ar meisce nó ar a chiall dó, whether he be drunk or sober. Ní as ~ a rinne sé é, he was not in his sober senses when he did it. Tá mé i mbarr mo chéille agaibh, you have driven me to the point of distraction. S.a. aigeantach 1, barr 10. 3. Common sense. ~ a bheith agat, to have sense. Ó tháinig ~ chugam, dom, since I came to the use of reason. In aois (na) céille, at the age of reason. Ní thagann ~ roimh aois, youth will have its fling. Níl ~ aige go fóill, he hasn’t learned sense yet. Tá sé ar chiall na bpáistí, he has no more sense than a child. Thug sin ~ dó, that taught him sense. Is beag ár g~! What little sense we have! Dá mbeadh sé de chiall agam, if I had the good sense (to). Ní maith an chiall duit é, it is not wise for you. Tá sé ag titim chun céille, he is steadying down. ~ cheannaithe, the teachings of experience. Tá ~ cheannaithe aige, he has learned his lesson. Tá ~ leis sin, that makes sense. Tá ~ dó ansin, that is a sensible thing for him to do. Tá, luíonn, sé le ~, it stands to reason. Níl ~ ná réasún leis, it is absurd. Ná tabhair do chiall i gceann a chéille, don’t condescend to argue with him. 4. Perception. ~ do ghreann, sense of humour. ~ don léann, appreciation of learning. ~ don saol, experience of life. Tá ~ don obair aige, he understands the work. Níl ~ agam dó, I don’t comprehend it. 5. Meaning. ~ a bhaint as rud, to find a meaning in sth. An chiall cheart a bhaint as rud, to interpret sth. correctly. Bhain tú an chiall chontráilte, do chiall féin, as, you took the wrong, your own, meaning out of it. Tá a chiall féin aige leis, he knows what he means by it. A chiall féin ag gach duine, everybody has his own ideas. ~ focail, the meaning, significance, of a word. Sa chiall, faoin g~, sin, in that sense, meaning. 6. Reason, cause. Cad é is ~ dó imeacht mar sin? What prompted him to go away like that? Sin é an chiall nach ndearna sé é, that is why he did not do it. Pé ~ é, whatever the reason. 7. (ds. céill)(a)Rud a chur i gcéill do dhuine, to give s.o. to understand sth. Tú féin a chur i gcéill, to make oneself clear, felt. Chuir sé a eagla i gcéill dóibh, he impressed his fear upon them. Ní chuirfeadh an saol i gcéill dó (go), nothing would convince him (that). Cuirfidh mise i gcéill dó é, I will bring it home to him. (b)Duine, rud, gan chéill, senseless person, thing. (c)Cur i gcéill, make-believe. Níl sé ach ag cur i gcéill (go), he is only pretending (that).
Níl ach a rá go bhfuil ciall aige! It can hardly be said that he has any sense.
Bíodh ciall agat, have sense.
Ní hé sin an chiall atá leis san ~ eile, that is not what it means in the other passage, context.
Tháinig an t-~ dóibh ciall a bheith acu, it is time they learned sense.
Níl (an) ~ céille aige, he hasn’t got much sense.
Níl ~ ach a bheith ag iarraidh céille oraibh, you cannot be expected to have sense.
In ~ céille, discréide, na tuisceana, at the age of reason, of discretion, of understanding.
Níl ~ splanc chéille aige, he hasn’t a spark of sense, he has no sense.
Ar chiall na bpáistí, with no more sense than a child.
Is doiligh ciall a bhaint as, it is hard to make sense of it.
Tá mé i m~ mo chéille acu, they are driving me out of my senses.
Ar bheagán céille, with little sense.
~ na céille, sensible person, one who talks sense.
~ ar do chiall, ar do stuaim, have sense, patience.
Níl ciall ar ~ aige, he has no sense.
An rud a bhreoigh mo chiall, mo chéadfaí, what enfeebled my mind, my senses.
Níor thug Dia ciall don bhrúid, God did not grant reasoning powers to the brute beasts.
Síleann fear na ~ gurb é féin fear na céille, the madman prides himself on his good sense.
Cár chás dá mbeadh ciall aige? What matter if he had sense?
Bhí ~ air as a chuid céille, he was esteemed for his good sense.
Chaill sé a chiall, he went out of his mind.
Tá a chiall is a chéadfaí aige, he is in possession of all his faculties; he is in his senses.
Chaill sé a chiall is a chéadfaí, he lost, took leave of, his senses.
~ airgid, céille, lack of money, of sense.
Cheanglófaí fear ab fhearr ciall ná é, he was acting like a maniac.
~ mór na céille bige, great head, little wit.
Ag ceannach na céille, learning from experience.
Tá an fear sin ina cheap céille, that man is a rock of sense.
Tá an chiall cheart aige, he has proper sense.
An chiall cheart a bhaint as rud, to take the right meaning out of sth.
Ba chóir dó ciall a bheith aige feasta ~, he is old enough now to have sense.
Tá tú ~ beag de chiall leis féin, you have as little sense as he has.
Teacht ~ céille, to come to the use of reason.
Do chiall a choinneáil, to keep one’s senses.
Ba chóir go mbeadh ciall aige, he ought to have sense.
Fágadh gan chiall gan chonn é, he was deprived of his senses.
Bhain sé an chiall chontráilte as, he mistook its meaning.
Bíodh ~ céille agat, have a bit of sense.
Sa chiall is ~e den fhocal, in the strictest sense of the word.
Tá sé i g~ a chnámh, a chéille, he is in full possession of his strength, of his mental faculties.
Tá ~ mór céille aige, he has a great fund of common sense.
Níl a dhath céille acu, they have no sense.
Ní raibh de chiall aige ach seasamh ansin, he had no more sense than to stand there.
Is ~ go bhfuil ciall leis, it appears to make sense.
Go ndearca Dia ar do chiall! God give you sense! What little sense you have!
~ airgid, aire, céille, lack of money, of care, of sense.
~ céille, lack of sense; foolishness, folly.
Chonacthas dom go raibh ciall leis, it appeared to me to make sense.
Mura bhfuil ciall aige tá an ~ aige, he may not have sense but he knows how to say, do, the wrong thing.
~ a bhaint as rud, to put a bad construction on sth.
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