~ chrábhaidh, elements of piety.
~ inbhéartach, ionannais, inverse, identity, element.
Baill dho-laghdaithe, irreducible elements.
Duine a bhaint as a chleachtadh, to take s.o. out of his element, to disconcert s.o.
Dúile a chomhcheangal, to combine elements.
Ar an ~, exposed to the elements.
~ a chur ar rud, to cover sth. against the elements.
Na ~e, the elements; creation.
Rí na ndúl, the King of the elements, the Lord of creation.
Na ceithre ~e (aer, uisce, tine, talamh), the four elements (air, water, fire, earth).
An ~, the elements, nature.
~ ainmhíoch, phlandúil, faunistic, floristic, element.
~ (agus fraoch) na spéire, na ndúl, the fury of the heavens, of the elements.
An ~ atá ar na dúile, the order of the elements.
~ na ndúl, the fury of the elements.
~ na bhflaitheas, na reann, na ndúl, the King of heaven, of the heavenly spheres, of the elements.
Ar an ~, ar aghaidh na ~e, exposed to the elements.