Malairt ~e a dhéanamh, to exchange places.
Ar cairde, ar iasacht, ar malairt, on credit, on loan, in exchange.
Fostaigh, malartaigh, ar, employ at, exchange for.
~ cainníochta, costais, díolacháin, luchtaithe, malairte, bill of quantities, of costs, of sale, of loading, of exchange.
~ na malairte, the benefit of the exchange.
Bhí siad ~ le chéile, they exchanged hard words, blows.
~ príosúnach, exchange of prisoners.
Fuair sé ~ na malairte, he got a fair exchange.
~ malartaithe buin, base exchange capacity.
Malairt ~, unfair exchange.
~ ruda a dhéanamh le duine, to exchange sth. with s.o.
Fuair mé ar mhalairt scine é, I got it in exchange for a knife.
De, mar, mhalairt ar rud, in exchange for sth., in preference to sth.
Thug siad ~ chainte dá chéile, they exchanged words.
Bille, ráta, ~e, bill, rate, of exchange.
Rud a mhalartú le duine (ar rud eile), to exchange sth. with s.o. (for sth. else).
~ fostaíochta, employment exchange.
~ teileafóin, telephone exchange.
~ príosúnach, exchange of prisoners.
An ~ a roinnt le duine, to exchange compliments with s.o., to give s.o. tit for tat.
Ná ~ an mhaith ar an olc, don’t exchange good for evil.