féach, v.t. & i. (vn. ~aint). 1. Look. (a) See, behold. ~aint síos, suas, i do thimpeall, an bealach eile, to look down, up, around, the other way. D’fhéach sé faoi agus thairis, he looked all round him. ~ an chuma atá air, look at his appearance. ~ ansin é, look at him there. ~ an chéad leathanach eile, see the next page. Tháinig sé do m’fhéachaint, he came to see me, to visit me. ~, seo chugainn é, look, here he comes. ~! Look! Behold! (b) Appear. ~aint go maith, to look well. ~ann sí óg, she looks young. Conas a fhéachann mo hata? How does my hat look? (c) Ascertain, consider, examine. Cás a fhéachaint, to look into a case. ~ an oireann sé duit, see whether it suits you. Níor fhéach sé cad ba chúis leis, he didn’t look to see what caused it. Bhí mé ag ~aint an dtiocfá, I wanted to see whether you would come. ~aint an rachadh agam labhairt leis, to see whether I could speak to him. ~aint cé acu is fearr, to see which of them is the best. (d) Reflect on. ~ an fear a d’imigh, look at the man who went away. ~an lá a tháinig sé, see what a day he chose to come. Ach ~ gur fhan sé, note that he stayed nevertheless. ~ sin anois! Look at that now! (e) (Expostulatory) ~ nach ndéanfá a leithéid, don’t you dare to do any such thing. Ní leat é. ~ gur liom. It is not yours. It is, indeed, mine. ~ an bhfeadar, I just don’t know. 2. Try, test. Rás a fhéachaint, to try a race. Cuisle a fhéachaint, to feel a pulse. ~ an cóta seo ort, try this coat on you. ~ é go bhfeice tú, try it and see. Duine a fhéachaint i gcoimhlint, to try out a person in a contest. Beidh le ~aint, that remains to be seen. Bheith ~ta, to be fully tested; to be exhausted. Bhíomar ~ta go maith ina dhiaidh, we were pretty well exhausted after it.
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
Amharc, breathnaigh, dearc, féach, ar, look at, consider.
Féach an chabhail atá air, see what a (huge) frame he has.
Breathnaigh, féach, an abhainn sula dtéir ina ~, look before you leap.
Ag féachaint as a n~, attending to them.
Féachaint faoi d’fhabhraí ar dhuine, to steal a glance at s.o.
~aint ar chluiche, to look at a game.
Bhí sé ag ~aint orm anall, he was looking over at me.
~ idir an dá shúil air, look him straight in the eye.
Le ~aint air, to look at him, to judge by the look of him.
~aint chugat féin, to look, attend, to oneself.
~aint chuige (go), to see to it (that).
~aint do rud, to have regard to sth.
Gan ~aint dó sin, without regard to that.
~aint le rud a dhéanamh, to try to do sth.
Bhí siad ag ~aint le chéile, they were vying with each other.
~ a thabhairt ar rud, to take a look at sth.
Thug mé ~ amháin orthu, I took one glance at them.
Thug sé ~ mhillte orm, he gave me a killing look.
Níl ~ roimhe ann, he lacks foresight.
Tá ~ soir ag an teach, the house faces east.
~ a chur ar dhuine; duine a chur ar a fhéachaint, to try s.o. (out).
Nuair a cuireadh ~ air, when he was put to the test.
Cuireadh ~ chrua orm, I was sorely tried.
~ den fheoil (a fháil), (to get) a taste of the meat.
Féach an ~ atá faoi, see how he walks, deports himself.
Féachaint trí na gloiní, to look through the glasses, the binoculars.
Féachaint sa ghloine, to look in the glass, in the mirror.
Féachaint thar do ghualainn, i ndiaidh do ghualainne, to look over one’s shoulder.
Féach an ~ atá aige, see how he is being maltreated; look at the sorry state he is in.
Féach ~ é, look at him over yonder.
Féachaint mhailíseach, wanton look.
Cad é an mhoill atá ort féachaint leis? What’s to stop you from trying it?
Féach do ~ leis, try your strength at it.
Féach an ~ atá ar a hata aige, see how he has his hat cocked.
Tá sé ag féachaint go ~, he looks wretched.
Féach mar atá an t-olc ag teacht tríd, see how the evil is breaking out in him.
Féachaint an fás nó meath a bhí ag dul ar na barra, to see whether the crops were growing or failing.
Ag féachaint ~, looking round.
Féach an rud a thóg sé suas dó féin, see what he has taken it into his head to do.