An fiabhras dearg, scarlet fever.
Tá ~ ina chraiceann, his skin is at fever heat.
~ fiabhrais, eitinne, fever, tuberculosis, case.
~adh le fiabhras é, he was laid low with fever.
~ tinnis, fiabhrais, sláinte, sign of sickness, of fever, of health.
I g~ tinnis, fiabhrais, in the throes of sickness, of fever.
~ a bheith, a theacht, ort, to have, get, a fever.
~ ballach, dubh, spotted fever, typhus.
~ cnámh, rheumatic fever.
~ coimhdeach(ta), seoil, puerperal fever.
~ creathach, quotidian fever, ague.
Ghabh tinneas, fiabhras, mé, I took sick, a fever.
~ann teas le fiabhras, heat accompanies fever.
~ tinnis, fiabhrais, fit of illness, of fever.
Ghlac sé fiabhras dá bharr, he got a fever as a result of it.
Fiabhras, othras, ~, gastric fever, ulcer.
Fiabhras, obair, tuirse, ~e, brain-fever, -work, -fag.
~ fiabhrais, eitinne, flush of fever, of consumption.
~ fiabhrais, thinnis, burning fever, pain.
~ fiabhrais, fever flush.
Teas ~ fiabhrais, malignant heat of fever.
~ an fhiabhrais, na fola, an leonta, fever-, blood-, sprain-, charm.
~ fiabhrais, máithreachais, fever, maternity, hospital.
~ fiabhrais, delirium of fever.
Bhí ~ beag fiabhrais air, he had a slight touch of fever.
Caithfidh an fiabhras a sheal a thabhairt, the fever must run its course.
Thug an fiabhras a bhás, the fever caused his death.
I d~ an fhiabhrais, when the fever was at its height.
Chuaigh an fliuchadh chun fiabhrais dó, the wetting he got brought on a fever.
~ muc, swine-fever, purples.
~ sreibhe, (condition leading to) milk fever.
Fiabhras, pianta, ~, violent fever, pains.
Traoite ag fiabhras, consumed with fever.
Tá sé treascartha le fiabhras, he is stricken with fever.