~ ar shaoirse, suppressive of freedom.
Saoirse chreidimh, religious freedom.
~ na saoirse, na teanga, na síochána, the cause of freedom, of the language, of peace.
Ceart, saoirse, cúrsaí, an ~, human right, freedom, affairs.
Tabhair ~ slí duit féin, allow yourself freedom of movement.
~ na saoirse, na teanga, an lucht oibre, the freedom, language, labour, movement.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to allow s.o. freedom of movement, scope; to give s.o. a head start.
Is fearr an cú atá sa siúl ná an cú atá sa ~, freedom of action is better than frustration.
~ na tíre, the freedom of the country.
~ cainte, freedom of speech.
~ an duine, human freedom; personal liberty.
~ ar dhualgas, freedom from an obligation.
~ na cathrach, the freedom of the city.