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Focail chosúla: creimeach · creimeadh · bréideach · caidreamh · coidreamh
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creideamh, m. (gs. & npl. -dimh, gpl. ~). Belief, faith; religion, creed. ~ i nDia, belief in (the existence of) God. ~ sna sacraimintí, belief in (the validity of) the sacraments. ~ i luibheanna, belief in (the efficacy of) herbs An ~ fíor, the true faith. Ár g~ a admháil, to profess our faith. Níl ~ ná coinsias aige, he has neither faith nor conscience. A lucht an chreidimh bhig, you of little faith. Duine a thabhairt chun creidimh, to bring s.o. to the faith; to bring s.o. round to one’s point of view. Tá siad ar aon chreideamh amháin, they are of one faith, persuasion. Is é mo chreideamh go, it is my belief, conviction, that. An ~ Caitliceach, Protastúnach, the Catholic, Protestant, faith, religion. Saoirse chreidimh, religious freedom. ~ polaitíochta, political creed. (Var:pl. creidíocha)
Admhaím mo chreideamh, I confess, profess, my faith.
~ creidimh, profession of faith.
~ ar a chreideamh, uninstructed in his religion.
2. ~ creidimh, den Chré, article of faith, of the Creed.
An creideamh a admháil go h~, to profess the faith simply, sincerely.
Do chreideamh a athrú, to change one’s faith, religion.
2. ~ creidimh, article of faith.
~ an chreidimh, the essence of faith.
Cuireadh i g~ ar son a chreidimh é, he was imprisoned for his faith.
~ fírinne, creidimh, perversion of truth, of faith.
An creideamh, an soiscéal, a chraobhscaoileadh, to propagate, preach, the faith, the gospel.
~ an chreidimh, propagation of the faith.
Creideamh, dóchas, a chur i nduine, to inspire s.o. with faith, hope.
~í dlí, creidimh, legal, religious, matters.
~a creidimh, religious observances.
Bheith ~ i do chreideamh, to be steadfast in one’s faith.
~ creidimh, renunciation of faith.
~ an chreidimh, the basis of religion.
Gheobhaidh sibh creideamh fós, you will come to believe yet.
Fírinní an chreidimh, the articles of faith.
Fódaithe sa chreideamh, grounded in the faith.
~ creidimh, dóchais, grá, act of faith, of hope, of charity.
Creideamh, dóchas agus ~, faith, hope and charity.
Dá mb’fhéidir iad a iompú chun creidimh, if they could be made to turn to religion.
Creideamh ~, weak faith.
Creideamh ~, strong faith.
Creideamh ~, rational belief.
Rúndiamhra an chreidimh, the mysteries of faith.
~ creidimh, religious denomination.
Sin mar a ~ an creideamh, that is how the faith spread.
~ creidimh, a straying from faith, error of faith.
Do chreideamh a shéanadh, to abjure one’s faith.
~ creidimh, cúise, denier of faith, of cause.
Sheas an creideamh dóibh, their faith stood them in good stead.
~ an chreidimh, the light of faith.
~ an chreidimh, the light of faith.
2. ~ bheatha, chéille, chreidimh, spark of life, of sense, of faith.
Daoine a tharraingt chun creidimh, to attract people to the faith.
Creideamh ~, firm belief.
~ creidimh, firmness of faith.
Duine a thiontú chun cúise, chun creidimh, to convert s.o. to a cause. to religion.
~ chun creidimh, conversion to religion.
Thréig sé a chreideamh, he gave up his faith.
D’~ siad don chreideamh, they agreed to accept the faith.
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