Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: glao · leo · Gael · gel · geoc
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
gleo, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna) 1. Fight, combat, battle. Dul sa ghleo, to join in the fighting. Thit sé sa ghleo, he fell in battle. Do cheann a thabhairt as ~, to survive battle, danger. Throid siad ~ gáifeach, they fought a fierce battle. 2. Noise, clamour, uproar, tumult. ~ a dhéanamh, to make a noise, to kick up a row. ~ páistí, noise of children. ~ a thógáil faoi rud, to raise a ruction about sth. Is tú a tharraing an ~ orainn, you brought the disturbance on us. Is beag an ~ a bhí timpeall air, he didn’t make much of a stir; he was a quiet man. 3. (As vn.)Ag ~, fighting, contending; making a noise, an uproar. (Var:gs. ~idh)
Ní chluinim thú ag gleo na bpáistí, I can’t hear you because of the noise of the children.
Ná cuir do bhata sa ghleo, don’t interfere in the fight, argument.
I m~ an ghleo, at the height of the commotion.
Gleo ~, incessant noise.
Tá gleo ~ agaibh, you are making an infernal din.
Gleo, callán, a dhéanamh, to make a tumult, a clamour.
Gleo, trioblóid, an diabhail, devilish din, trouble.
An gleo a d’~, the noise that arose.
Bhí fearg air faoi go raibh siad ag déanamh gleo, he was angry because they were making noise.
Níor chuala mé é le gleo na bpáistí, I didn’t hear it because of the noise of the children.
Neartú le gleo, to intensify strife; to increase noise.
~igí den ghleo, stop making noise.
Fan go socraí an gleo, wait till the noise dies down.
~ gaoithe, gleo, abatement of wind, of noise.
Na seabhaic nár ~ ó ghleo, the warriors who did not shirk battle.
Ag ~ gleo, treasa, giving battle.
Bhí sé ag cur thairis faoi ghleo na bpáistí, he was giving out about the noise of the children.
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