grán, m. (gs. -áin). 1. Coll: Grain. ~ eorna, cruithneachta, barley, wheat, grain. ~ buí, maize. Gort gráin, grain-field. ~ agus glasraí, grain crops and vegetables. 2. Ball, shot, pellet. (a) ~ (gunna), shot. Gunna gráin, shot-gun. Púdar agus ~, powder and shot. (b) ~ iompair, ball-bearings. 3. (Of surface growth) ~ dubh, mildew (on clothes). 4. Bot: ~ arcáin, pilewort, lesser celandine. Lit: ~ muine, sloes. ~ lachan, tonóg, duckweed. 5. Archeol:(pl.) Gráin chatha, caltrops.
Tá grá, gráin, aici air, she loves, hates, him.
Gráin áigh, deep loathing.
Tá grá, gráin, aithne mhaith, air, he is loved, hated, well-known.
Chuir siad gráin na háite fúinn, they made us hate the place.
Gráin dhíobhálach, intense loathing.
Folaíonn grá gráin, [’love veils ugliness’, love is blind.
~ agus gráin, hatred and abhorrence.
1. ~ gráin, coarse grain, husks.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to loathe sth.
~ a chur ar dhuine le rud, to make s.o. abhor sth.
Chuir an áit ~ orm, the place disgusted me.
~ shaolta, shíoraí, lasting hate.
~ an diabhail, devilish hate.
~ shaolta ort! Shame on you!
Is ~ liom é, I detest it.
~ a chur ar rud, to mar the appearance of sth.
Folaíonn grá ~, love is blind.
~ an pheaca, the hatefulness of sin.
An ghráin mhairbh, mhorgtha, the loathsomeness of decay.
Ghabh ~ agus eagla iad, they were seized with horror and fear.
Chuir an t-arracht ~ ar a gcona, the monster terrified their dogs.
Bhí ~ chatha, ~ áigh, ar a cheannaghaidh, he had the fearful look of battle in his face.
Fuil is ~ air! Bad scran to him!
Grán iompair, ball-bearings.
~ gráin, a charge of shot.
Arbhar, grán, a mheilt, to grind corn.
~ agus grán, powder and shot.
Gráin shaolta, utter loathing.
Gráin shíoraí, undying hatred.