~ a chur ar dhuine, to grieve, sadden, s.o.
Iad a bhuaireamh le drochscéala, to grieve them with bad news.
2. ~eamh faoi rud, to grieve over sth.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to grieve, trouble, s.o.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ort, it would grieve you.
Ag ~, grieving, complaining.
An rud atá ag déanamh cumháin dá croí, what is grieving her heart.
Cén ~ atá ort? What’s grieving you?
Is tú a dhubhaigh mo chroí, it was you who grieved my heart.
Do dhul a bhuair sinn, your passing grieved us.
Ghoill a bhás orainn, his death grieved us.
~ an scéal sin mé, that story grieved me sorely.
Ná bíodh ~ ort faoi, don’t grieve over it.
An croí a ~adh ag duine, to grieve s.o. bitterly at heart.
Ag déanamh ~a i ndiaidh a linbh, grieving silently over the loss of her child.