Cuir ~ faoi d’ioscaidí, [’grease your hams’, quicken your pace, hurry up.
~ (thú féin); ~ ort, hurry up.
Dlús, deifir, a chur le rud, to speed, hurry, up sth.
~ a chur le rud, to hurry up sth.
Bheith ~ le rud, to apply oneself to, hurry up with, sth.
Déan deifir le go mbeidh tú réidh in am, hurry up so that you may be finished in time.
~ ort (féin), get down to it; hurry up.
Rud a luathú; luathú ar, le, rud, to speed up sth.; to hurry up with sth.
~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. hurry up; to make s.o. hop it.
~ a dhéanamh, to act fast; to hurry up.
~ deabhaidh a chur ar dhuine, to force s.o. to hurry up.