Tá ~ bisigh air, he shows signs of improvement.
Athrú, biseach, ~, slight change, improvement.
Tá ~ ar luach eallaigh, there is an increase, an improvement, in the price of cattle.
Níl aon bhreacadh fós ar an lá, the day shows no sign of improvement.
Tá biseach ar an tír i gcúrsaí fostaíochta, there is an improvement in the country in regard to employment.
Deimhniú, ordú, feabhsúcháin, improvement certificate, order.
~ feabhsúcháin, notice of improvement.
Biseach ~, marked improvement.
~ foluaineach, feabhsaithe talún, floating, land improvement, charge.
Biseach ~, natural improvement.