Bhí a chroí agus a ~nna ag rith ar a chéile, he was labouring from exertion, with excitement.
Saothar ~, labour in vain.
Tá ~ air, he is in pain; his breathing is laboured.
De bharr mo shaothair, as a result of my labour.
~ saothair, little reward for labour.
Ní ~ orthu a bhfuair siad tar éis a saothair, they got very little after all their labour.
Ar ~eadh de shaothar leis, all the labour that was spent on it.
Ár g~ saothair, trioblóide, our labour, trouble.
~ ar shaothar, reward for labour.
Chúitigh sé ár saothar linn, he repaid us for our trouble, rewarded us for our labour.
Toradh do dheataigh ar mo dheatachsa, may I be the gainer by your labour.
~ anála, laboured breathing.
In ~ a shaothair, in return for his labour.
Ghlac sé saothar mór leis, he laboured hard at it.
~ na saoirse, na teanga, an lucht oibre, the freedom, language, labour, movement.
~ (anála), extremely laboured breathing, panting.
Tá costas, saothar, trioblóid, leis, it entails cost, labour, trouble.
~ saothair, reward for labour, remuneration.
An Chúirt Oibreachais, the Labour Court.
~ an Lucht Oibre, the Labour Party.
Ábhar agus ~, material and labour.
~ in aisce, labour in vain.
anála, laboured breathing.
Dhá shaothar déag Earcail, the twelve labours of Hercules.
Ag ~, labouring, toiling.
Anáil shaothrach, laboured breathing.
Ag saothrú ar rud, labouring at sth.
Mo shaothar ~e, my week’s labour.
Bean ~, a woman in labour.
Ag iarraidh vóta an lucht oibre a tharraingt, trying to attract the labour vote.
Bhí sí ~ ar dhuine clainne ag an am sin, she was in labour at that time.
Bean i d~ clainne, i d~ linbh, woman in labour.
Tá ~ do chuid oibre anois agat, you have the benefit of your labour now.