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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: leach · loach · luch · lugach · lusach
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luach, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Value. ~ ainmniúil, ionchais, uimhriúil, nominal, expectation, absolute, value. ~ puint, pound’s worth. ~ a chur ar rud, to value sth. An chaora nó a ~, the sheep or its equivalent value. Rud a fháil ar a ~, to get sth. at its proper value. Fuair sé ~ a chuid airgid, he got his money’s worth. Tá ~ airgid ann; is maith an ~ airgid é, it is worth a lot of money. Tá a ~ de phléisiúr ann, it is worth it for the pleasure it gives. Rud a dhíol faoina ~, to sell sth. for less than it is worth. Díoladh faoina ~ é, he was betrayed. Bainfear a ~ asat, you will be made to pay dearly for it. Ní dheachaigh a ~ riamh orthu, they are of inestimable value; they have never been fully appreciated. 2. Price. ~ ruda a bheith agat, to have the price of sth. An ~ is airde, the highest price. Ar ~ an mhargaidh, at market prices. Tá a dhá ~ air, it is much too dear. Ní fiú a ~ é, it is not worth the money. Is deas an ball é, ach ní deise ná a ~, it is a nice article, but it is very highly priced. Beidh sé ina ~ ort, it will be a burden on you to pay for it. Liosta ~anna, list of prices. 3. Reward, recompense; requital. ~ saothair, reward for labour, remuneration. Tabhair ~ a shaothair dó, pay him for his work. ~ na foighne, reward for patience. ~ an pheaca, requital for sin. Fuair mé ~ m’aistir, I did well out of my journey. Go dtuga Dia a ~ duit, may God reward you for it. F: ~ dráir, gratuity, tip.
Tá luach an eallaigh ~, the price of cattle is down.
Teacht ~ ar an luach, to reduce the price.
An luach is airde, the highest price.
Cíos, táille, luach, a ardú, to increase a rent, a fee, a price.
Fiche punt agus luach béile de bhabhta leis, twenty pounds and the price of a meal to boot.
Cíos, cáin, luach mór, a bhaint amach, to exact a rent, a tax, a high price.
Tá ~ ar luach eallaigh, there is an increase, an improvement, in the price of cattle.
~ smachta, luacha, easing of control, of price.
Luach caipitlithe, capitalized value.
Dá gcasfaí a luach chuig duine, if one should have the price of it.
Fuair tú a g~ de luach orthu, you got a fair price for them.
A luach a choimeád, to keep the price of it.
Luach ~, fair price.
Tá a g~ de luach orthu, they are fetching a fair price.
Luach ~ saothair, fair return for work.
An ~ is a luach a bheith agat, to have it both ways.
Luach, cáin, a chur ar rud, to put a value, a tax, on sth.
Luach ~, an dá, phunt, two, the two, pounds’ worth.
~adh faoina luach é, he was basely betrayed.
Dhíol sé a luach liom, he paid me the value of it.
Ní féidir ~adh leis ar an luach sin, one couldn’t touch it at that price.
Luach ~í, the value, price, of goods.
Tá luach earraí ag éirí, the price of goods is rising.
~na luach, at less than its value.
Tá a luach aige agus ~, he has more than enough to pay for it.
~ a luach, ask for what it is worth.
Cuid, luach, ~, return for favour.
Ar an luach is ísle, at the lowest price.
~ luacha, decrease in value.
Laghdú i luach, to fall in value, in price.
~ i gcíos, i luach, reduction in rent, in price.
An luach ~, the present value.
Cíos, luachanna, a ~an, to lower rent, prices.
Ceannaitheoir, sealbhóir, ar ~, purchaser, holder, for value.
Nár mhaith dá mbeadh a luach againn? Wouldn’t it be good if we had the price of it.
Luach earraí a mharcáil, to mark the price of goods.
~ ar luach earraí, increase in price of goods.
~ luacha, cánach, assessment of value, of tax.
Luach ~, middling price.
Fuair tú luach do phingine, you got your money’s worth.
Luach puint, a pound’s worth.
~adh luach a deor di, she was rewarded for her tears.
Bhí luach earraí ag dul sna réigiúin, the price of goods was soaring sky-high.
~ tuarastal, luachanna, scale of salaries, of prices.
Luach a shocrú, to agree on a price.
Ag ~ faoi luach ruda, haggling over the price of sth.
Rachaidh luach na dtithe ~ arís, the price of houses will go up again.
Thug tú a luach go maith air, you paid at least as much for it as it was worth.
Tá luach an stoic ag teacht anuas, the value of stock is decreasing.
Dá mbeadh ~ agam ar a luach, if I could find the price of it.
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