~ sagairt, dochtúra, dlíodóra, clerical, medical, law, student.
Dlí a achtú, to enact a law.
Nuair a tháinig an dlí nua ~, when the new law was introduced.
Tá sé ina mháistir orthu, ina údarás ar an dlí, he is their master, an authority on law.
Bhagair sé an madra, an dlí, orm, he threatened to set the dog at me, to take me to law.
Dlí, ráta, teach, na m~, poor-law, -rate, -house.
An dlí, an tsíocháin, a bhriseadh, to break the law, the peace.
Ní raibh siad riamh gan dlí agus ~ eatarthu, they were forever at law with one another.
dlí, cúirte, coiteann, law, court, common, case.
Bean mhic is máthair chéile, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.
~ dlí, a question, a point, of law.
Dlí, móid, tearmann, geasa, a choilleadh, to violate a law, a vow, a sanctuary, taboos.
~ an dlí, na saoire, observance of the law, of holy days.
An dlí, na rialacha, móid, gealltanas, a choimeád, to keep the law, the rules, a vow, a promise.
~ dlí, observance of law.
~ in aghaidh Dé, an dlí, an duine, an offence against God, the law, the person.
Dlí na ~e, commutative law.
~ crábhaidh, rialach, reachta, observance of piety, of rule, of law.
~ dlíthe, consolidation of laws.
Dlí an chomhshuímh, law of constant composition.
bhreithiúnais, dlí, court of justice, of law.
An dlí a chumhdach, to uphold the law.
~ na diagachta, an dlí, an leighis, na n-ealaíon, the faculty of theology, of law, of medicine, of arts.
Dlí, riail, coinníoll, a dhéanamh, to make a law, a rule, a condition.
~ an dlí, the rigour of the law.
~ an nádúir, the law of nature.
~ Dé, the law of God, the divine law.
~ na tíre, the law of the land.
De réir ~, according to law, legally.
An ~ a choimeád, a bhriseadh, to keep, to break, the law.
Níl ~ ar an éigean, ar an riachtanas, necessity knows no law.
~ bunreachtúil, canónta, coiriúil, coiteann, idirnáisiúnta, míleata, sibhialta, constitutional, canon, criminal, common, international, martial, civil, law.
~ na fianaise, the law of evidence.
~ na féine, ancient law system (of Ireland).
~the na ceimice, na gluaiseachta, the laws of chemistry, of motion.
Tá a dhlí féin aige, he is a law unto himself; he has his own procedure.
Ag déanamh ~, laying down the law.
An ~ a chleachtadh, to practise law.
Bheith ag gabháil don ~, ag foghlaim ~, to be in the law, to study law.
Feidhmeannach, cléireach, mac léinn, ~, law-officer, -clerk, -student.