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Focail chosúla: léis · aleis · eis · Lewis · lexis
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Seans gur foirm é leis de: le »
leis1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. leasracha). 1. Thigh. S.a. cnámh 1(a).2. Cu: Leg, haunch. ~ chaoireola, leg of mutton.
leis2, adv. 1. Also. 2. (With neg.) Too, either.
leis3, adv. Uncovered, exposed.
leis4 :le1.
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
~ leis féin é, say it to himself.
~ nach bhfuil baint agat leis, say you have nothing to do with it.
~ leis fanacht liom, tell him to wait for me.
Mar a bheadh Dia á rá leis, as if God ordained it, as if his life depended on it.
Níl dada le rá leis ach an méid sin, there is nothing to be said to him, concerning him, but that.
Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey.
3. Níor tháinig sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, it is not in his nature to do it.
Thug sé ~ leis é, it is natural to him, he inherited it.
Cuir leis an ~ é, get rid of it.
Is beag an t-~ a bhí leis de bharr a lae ag iascach, he had little reward for his day's fishing.
Bhí sé sásta ~ an leithscéal sin a ghabháil leis, he was satisfied when that excuse was offered to him.
Ní chreidfeá ~ chomh hard leis, you wouldn’t credit that he is so tall.
Tá réidhe an achair anois leis, he is making good progress now.
Chuaigh sé, chuir sé é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Tá an t-~ ag siúl leis, he is always in luck.
Lig fad an adhastair leis, give him plenty of rope.
Thug sé na haenna leis, he escaped with his life.
Tá gnó agam leis, I have business with him.
Caith ~ leis, take time at it, don’t rush it.
Tá a lámh in ~ leis, he has lost the use of his arm.
Cuir d’~ leis, set your mind to it.
Níl m’~ leis an obair seo, I don’t care for this work.
Tá sé ar ~ agam labhairt leis, I intend to speak to him.
Dá mb’~ leis teacht, if he wished to come; if he would only come.
Fuair sé a mb’~ leis, he got all he wanted.
Tá ~ orm leis an obair seo, I am unused to this work.
Beidh ~ air a bheith leis féin, he will find it strange to be alone.
Tig an ~ leis an aois, fretfulness comes with old age.
Labhair ina ~ leis, speak to him by name.
Cuir síos d’~ leis, enter your name for it.
Is leis a crochadh an t-~, he is unworthy of the name.
~, d’~, gur labhair mé leis, although I spoke to him.
Ní hé sin an chiall atá leis san ~ eile, that is not what it means in the other passage, context.
Níl ~ air nach leis féin an áit, he looks as if he owned the place.
Tá ~ leis, he is perspiring.
Glac, tóg, d’~ leis, take your time at it.
~ leis, (i) put him out, (ii) he came, went, out, (iii) out with it, say it.
~ ó labhairt leis, except to speak to him.
Bhí sé ~ lena chuid airgid, leis an ól, he was over-generous with his money, with drink.
Níl ach ~ labhairt arís leis, it is pointless to speak to him again.
Thug, chuir, mé in ~ labhairt leis, I felt like speaking to him; I was about to speak to him (but didn’t).
Bhí mé ag caint leis (aon) uair ~, I was speaking to him once, on one occasion.
Is ~ a tháinig sé agus gan an leabhar leis, actually he came without bringing the book.
Bhí sé ~ leis féin i dtaobh dul ann, he regretted going there.
Dúirt mé leis dul san ~ leis, I told him to go to the dickens with it.
Tá a ~ i mbarr a ghoib, i mbéal a chléibh, ina dhorn, aige, leis, he is panting (from exertion).
Thug sé a ~ slán leis, he escaped unharmed.
Bhí mé ~ as leis, I was in two minds about it.
Níl ~ ach fanacht leis, there is nothing for it but to wait for him.
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