Roinnt an bhodaigh a dhéanamh (ar rud), to give oneself the lion’s share of (of sth.).
~ tairbh, leoin, roar of bull, lion.
Teilgeadh i g~ na leon é, he was cast into the lions’ den.
~ sionnaigh, leoin, tíogair, fox-, lion-, tiger-, cub.
I g~ an leoin, in the maw of the lion.
Leon cuthaigh, raging lion.
Leon ar ~, a lion in ferocity.
Cuid Mhic Craith den fhia, the lion’s share.
Ghabh sé fúthu amhail leon i bhfíoch, he attacked them like a raging lion.
~ catha, lion in battle, warrior.
Ag troid mar a bheadh leoin ann, fighting like lions.