~ duit! ~ chugat! Look out!
Breathnú síos, suas, siar, amach, to look down, up, back, out.
Ghoill sé ar a cháilíocht, it affected his out-look, his mind.
Chugat! Chugaibh! Chugainn! look out!
Chugat an tarbh! Look out! The bull is coming at you.
Tá na diabhail sin faoi do choinne, those devils are waiting, on the look-out, for you.
Ná beannaigh don ~ go mbeannaí sé duit, one should not go out of one’s way to look for trouble.
~ seilge, ‘hunting-mound’, look-out place for leader of hunt.
Fear ~, watcher, look-out man.
~! Bí ar d’fhaire! Look out!
Coinnigh do shúil ~, keep a sharp look-out.
Ag ~ ar, looking to, attending to; on the look-out for; relying on.
Bheith le ~ duine, to be on the look-out for s.o.
Do shúile a ghéarú, to sharpen one’s eyes, keep a sharper look out.
Tá cuma ídithe air, he looks worn-out, wasted.
~ ceannais, comhraic, éisteachta, faire, rialaithe, command, combat, listening, look-out, control, post.
Bíodh do shúil amuigh agat, keep a good look-out.