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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: log · loig · loirg · long · lord
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
lorg1, m. (gs. as s. loirg, as vn. ~tha; npl. loirg, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of lorg2. 2. Mark, print; trace, track; course. (a) ~ coise, crúibe, foot-, hoof-, print. ~ fiacaile, scine, tooth-, knife-, mark. ~ rotha, wheel-track. ~ buille, mark of blow. ~ fola, trace of blood. ~ toite, smoke-stain. ~ dóite, brand of burning. ~ na ndeor ar do leiceann, your cheek is tear-stained. ~ láimhe, imprint of hand; handiwork. Aithním ~ a láimhe, I recognize his handiwork. ~ a láimhe ar an litir, the letter is in his handwriting. Bhí ~ an óil air, he showed signs of drink. Níl ~ an féin ann anois, not even a trace of the house now remains. ~ a fhágáil ar rud, to leave a mark on sth. Is iomaí tír ar fhág siad ~ a gcos inti, they left their footprints in many lands. (b) ~ ainmhí, animals track. ~ ruda a chur, to track sth.; to seek out sth. Chuir ~ an scéil, I traced the story. Níor chuir bonn ~ air, he made no effort to find out about it. Níl bonn ~ orthu, there is neither track nor trace of them. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be in quest of sth. Níl ~ mór ar rudaí mar sin, things like that are not much sought after. ~ a leanúint, to follow a track. Lean ~ a shinsear, he followed in the footsteps of his ancestors. leanfá ~ na seanleabhar, if you were to follow the pattern of the old books. An fear nach leanann ~ , the man who walks not in the ways of God. A ~ thar lear, their path across the sea. (c) Ar ~, in the track of; in pursuit of; following after, succeeding; along the course of. Dul ar ~ ruda, to go on the track of sth.; to go in search of sth. siad ar do ~, they are after you, looking for you. Ar ~ eolais, looking for information. Lean ar ~ a athar, he followed in his fathers footsteps. Ar ~ a dhaoine roimhe, like his people before him. Ar ~ na n-aspal, in apostolic succession. Bhí siad ina ríthe ar a ~, they came after him as kings. Dul ar ~ do chúil, to go backwards. Tugadh amach ar ~ a chos é, he was brought out feet foremost. (d) I ~, after, following. Agus paidir eile ina ~, and another prayer to follow it. 3. Succession, progeny. Duine gan ~, person without issue. raibh ~ ar bith air, he left no descendants. 4. (a) Rear, rearguard. Bheith i ~, to be in the rear. Dochar loirg, harrying of the rear. S.a. sciath1 1(b). (b) Troop, company. 5. , gadhar, loirg, tracker dog. Talamh loirg, land formerly cultivated. Iomaire loirg, fallow ridge. Ag rómhar loirg, levelling out ridges.
lorg2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~ m, gs. & pp. ~tha). Track, trace; seek, search for. 1. Ag ~ sna coillte, tracking in the woods. Stáisiún ~tha, tracking station. 2. Obair a ~, to look for work. Cuideachta a ~, to seek company. Ag ~ trioblóide, courting trouble. Ag ~ pléisiúir, in pursuit of pleasure. Rud a ~ ar dhuine, to ask s.o. for sth. Cad á ~ agat? What are you after? (Var: ~air)
lorga, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Staff, stick; club, cudgel. Lit: ~ a ghabháil, to take a staff, to go on pilgrimage. Lit:~ fosaithe, stick to lean on, prop. Lit: ~ áine, hurley. ~ iarnaí, iron-tipped cudgel. 2. Shin. ~í breaca, dóite, speckled, burnt, shins; (of person) sit-by-the-fire. ~ éin, drumstick of bird. Cnámh na ~, shin-bone, tibia; (of horse) cannon-bone. 3. Shank, shaft, stem. ~ planda, crainn, stem of plant, of tree. ~ ancaire, stem of anchor. ~ sáfaí, handle of axe. (Var: lorg3 f)
Aithním lorg a láimhe, I know his handwriting.
A bhun is a lorg a chur, to trace the why and the wherefore of it.
Níor chuir a bhun a lorg, I made no effort to trace it, made no inquiry whatever about him.
I ndiaidh, ar lorg, do chinn, head foremost.
Ag ~adh na tíre ar a lorg, combing out the country in search of him.
Chíorláil an teach ar a lorg, he ransacked the house for it.
lorg, rian, a choda air, he has a well-fed look about him.
Lorg, boladh, a chur, to follow a trail, a scent.
Ag lorg an ghadhair is gan tásc a dhatha agat, doing something without knowing what it is about.
Ar lorg a deiridh, sternways.
Chuaigh ar lorg a ~, she went to try her fortune, to seek her prospects in marriage.
~ a iarraidh, a lorg, to seek information.
~ a lorg, to curry favour.
Lorg a fhágáil ar rud, to leave a trace on sth.
Chuir an sliabh i bh~ ar a lorg, I searched, looked, all round the mountain for them.
Ag ~ ar lorg gaoithe, whistling for a wind; passing the time in idleness.
~ a lorg, a thabhairt, to seek, give, information (of what is going on).
1. Dfhortún a lorg, a thriail, to seek, try, ones fortune.
Is fada ~ a shiúil ar a lorg, I travelled far and near in search of it.
~ ar a lorg, close on his tracks.
Aithním a ~, lorg a láimhe, I recognize his handwriting.
Lorg do shinsear a ~úint, to follow in the footsteps of ones ancestors.
Ar lorg a ~ roimhe, like the people who came before him.
Ag ~ ar lorg éisc, seeking surfaced fish by their phosphorescent light.
An ~ a chailleadh ag lorg na pingine, penny wise, pound foolish.
~ thar lorg a thabhairt darm, to cover the retreat of an army.
Ag lorg an tsochair, looking for a bargain.
~ an leabhar ar a lorg, if you were to ransack the book for it.
~ lorgtha, tracking-station.
~í a lorg, to invite tenders.
Thaistil an leabhar ar a lorg, I went all through the book looking for it.
Thángamar orthu de lorg a dtaoibh, we took them on the flank.
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