Cá mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lord’s Prayer?
Mo chruthaitheoir agus m’~, my creator and sovereign lord.
~ an Tiarna, the handmaid of the Lord.
An bhinnbharraíocht a bheith agat ar dhuine, to lord it, to gloat, over s.o.
~ an Tiarna, (in) the year of our Lord.
Ár m~ saor, our noble lord.
Bíonn siad ag ~ orm, they presume on my tolerance, lord it over me.
~ láimhe an Tiarna, the handmaid of the Lord.
A cheathairchruinne! O Lord of all!
Rí na ~, Lord of the universe.
Tiarna ~, lord protector.
~ Dé, the handmaid of the Lord.
Is fairsing Dia sa chúngach, the Lord will provide.
~ ár dTiarna, the divinity of our Lord.
Dhílsigh an Coimdhe iad dá naimhde, the Lord abandoned them to their enemies.
Rí na ndúl, the King of the elements, the Lord of creation.
~ Dé, an Tiarna, the fear of God, of the Lord.
Tús na h~ eagla an Tiarna, wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.
Ach nár ~ a thiarna leis é, but that his lord did not enjoin it on him.
Tiarnaí Gael ag dul ar fuarú, the lords of the Gael dying out.
An drong nár ghabh leis mar thiarna, those people who did not accept him as their lord.
Tháinig mé ar d’~, a Thiarna, I have put myself in thy charge, O Lord.
Duine a mháistreacht, to have mastery over s.o.; to lord it over s.o.
Tiarna, teampall, féile, ~, honoured lord, temple, feast.
An Phaidir, P~ an Tiarna, the Lord’s Prayer.
Deir sé rudaí nach bhfuil sa Phaidir, he says things that are not in the Lord’s Prayer, says more than his prayers.
An Pháis, P~ Chríost, P~ ár dTiarna, the Passion (of Christ, of Our Lord).
Ar ~ an Tiarna, under the shadow of the Lord.
Shéan Peadar an Tiarna, Peter denied the Lord.
Shir mé an Tiarna, I sought the Lord.
An triath agus a tháin, the lord and his following.
An ~ do shéan a thriath, when he denied his lord.
Tiarnaí agus taoisigh, lords and chieftains.
1. An T~ (Dia), the Lord (God).
Lá an T~, the Lord’s day.
A Thiarna (Dia)! Good Lord!
Ár dT~ (Íosa Críost), Our Lord (Jesus Christ).
Sa bhliain d’aois an T~ . . ., in the year of Our Lord . . .
~í na cruinne, the lords of creation.
~ dúiche, ~ tíre, lord of the manor.
Teach na dTiarnaí, (British) House of Lords.
A thiarna easpaig, my lord bishop.
~ seansailéara, lord chancellor.
Tá ~ na tíre acu, they are the lords of the land.