Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ac · ma · mace · mag · mam
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
mac, m. (gs. & npl. mic, gpl. ~).Son. 1. (a)~ dearthár, deirféar, brother’s, sister’s, son; nephew. ~ mic, iníne, son’s, daughter’s, son; grandson. ~ uchta, (i) favourite son, pet, (ii) adopted son. Is é ~ a athar é, like father like son. Prov:Ní huaisle ~ rí ná a chuid, handsome is as handsome does. S.a. cat 1. (b)~ Dé, the Son of God. ~ an Duine, the Son of Man. (Of Trinity) An M~, the Son. ~ Muire na hÓighe, the Son of Mary, of the Virgin. 2. Descendant. (a)Mic Mhíle, Iosrael, the sons of Milesius, of Israel. (b) (In surnames) M~ Mathúna, McMahon; Mr McMahon. M~ Uí Mhathúna, Mr O’Mahony. M~ Uí Rudaigh, Mr So-and-so. 3. Boy; (young) person; fellow. A mhac! A mhic ó! My son! My lad! ~ mallachta, limb of Satan, son of perdition. An M~ Mallachta, Satan. ~ an diabhail, devil’s imp. ~ an mhí-áidh, unfortunate fellow. ~ mioscaise, trouble-maker. ~ soipín, despicable fellow, wretch. ~ tabhartais, illegitimate son. Lit:~ beatha, báis, righteous, unrighteous, man. Is greannmhar, feasach, an ~ é, he is a funny, a knowing, fellow. Aon mhac máthar acu, any mother’s son of them. Ní raibh ~ an aoin (an chadhain, an pheata, na sceiche) ann, there wasn’t a soul there. S.a. míchomhairle. 4. (In reference to calling) ~ léinn, student. Mic léinn ollscoile, university students. ~ foghlama, learner. Lit:~ eaglaise, clerical student, cleric. 5. Fig:(a)Z:~ tíre, wolf. (b)Ich:~ siobháin, goby. (c)Agr:~ ar muin, corn-sprout. (d)~ an daba, ring, third, finger. ~ alla = macalla. ~ samhla = macasamhail. S.a. imreasc12.
An fear a bhfuil a mhac ag imeacht, the man whose son is going away.
Is ~ an mac é, he is a merry lad.
An mac sin aige, that son of his.
Tá beirt mhac aige, he has two sons.
Bhí mac óg inné aici, she had, gave birth to, a son yesterday.
An t-athair ~ an mac, the father and the son.
Mac na h~, skinflint.
Is ~ an mac an saol, life is strange; such is life.
Is ~ an mac é, like father like son.
Athair, máthair, mac, ~a, foster-father, -mother, -son.
An t-aon mhac ~ a bhí aige, the only son he had.
An Cearrbhach Mac Cába, McCabe the card-player.
Níl mac an aoin ann, there is not a living soul there.
~ mhac amháin, one son.
Mac ~e, only-begotten son.
Cailleadh a mhac air, he lost his son.
Ó ~ go mac; ón ~ go dtí an mac, from father to son; in direct line.
An t~, the Son of God.
Bhí a bhara faoi Mhac Dé teacht, the Son of God intended to come.
Ní raibh mac, Críostaí, an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
~ mic, daughter-in-law.
Rug sí mac óg; rugadh mac óg di, she had a baby boy.
Mac Dé Bhí, the Son of the Living God.
Mac, iníon, an duine bhoicht, poor man’s son, daughter.
Ní raibh mac an chadhain ann, there wasn’t a soul there.
Cad é a dhéanfadh mac an chait ach luch a mharú? Like father like son.
A ~ mic, her first-born son.
B’fhearr dó an mac sin aige a cheartú, it would be better for him to correct, chastise, that son of his.
Bean mhic is máthair chéile, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.
An mac dar mhó ár g~, the son we cherished most.
Mac an cheana, favourite son.
~ mhac, iníonacha, family of sons, of daughters.
~ Dónaill, Mhic Ruairí, the McDonnells, McRorys.
Chomh ~ le mac tíre, as fierce as a wolf.
~ Mhic Dé, the tribulation of the Son of God.
Mac na croiche, gallows-bird.
A g~ mac, aithreacha, their sons, fathers.
Tá cúinsí agat, a mhic ó, you are up to something, my boyo.
Bhí sé ag cumhdach a mhic, he was protecting, trying to keep the blame from, his son.
~ na máthar ina mac, a mother’s tenderness for her son.
Gheall sé dá mhac, dá iníon, é, he promised it to his son, to his daughter.
Mac an ~, ring finger.
Is é mac a dhaid é, he takes after his father.
Faoi dháil, faoi dhála, a mhic, concerning his son.
Ceist a chuaigh i n~ ar mhic léinn, a question which proved crucial with students.
Tá sé ~ ar imeachtaí a mhic, he doesn’t realize how his son is conducting himself.
Cuid an ~ mac, an ~ mic, the second son’s portion.
An ~ mac is óige aige, his second youngest son.
Béarfar mac dá cheann, a son will be born in his stead.
2. D~ an tAthair, an Mac, an Spiorad Naomh, God the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost.
~a Néill, the race of Niall. (Usually in reference to Mac- surnames)
Fianna Fhinn; na Fianna, legendary warrior-bands of Fionn Mac Cumhaill.
Chomh ~ le capall, le Goll mac Morna, as strong as a horse, as Goll Mac Morna.
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