Tá ~ ar mo chroí, my heart is weighed down, oppressed.
Bheith faoi chosa daoine, an tsaoil, to be trampled on, oppressed.
An té a bhíos thíos buailtear ~ air, the lowly is sure to be oppressed.
Duine a chur i n~, to enslave, oppress, s.o.
Do chroí a bheith ~ ag rud, to be oppressed at heart over sth.
Luighidh ~ ar uatha, the many oppress the few.
Ná ~ faoi bhrón iad, don’t let them be oppressed with sorrow.
~ an teas orm, the heat oppressed me.
Bheith faoi mhursantacht duine, ruda, to be dominated, oppressed, by s.o., sth.
Bhí ~ anuas orm, my mind was oppressed.
Faoi shúistí gall, oppressed by foreigners.
Tháinig ~ ar mo chroí, I felt oppressed at heart.
Is í m’intinn atá ~, my mind is oppressed.
Bhí sí ag ~, ag déanamh ~, faoina leanbh, she was oppressed with sorrow about her child.