Ní raibh mé ach ag iarraidh foighne a chur iontu, I was only trying to get them to be patient.
Tá Dia foighneach ach níl Sé ~, God is patient but He does not forget.
~ mórán agus can beagán, [’hear much and say little’, be patient in hearing and reserved in speech.
Tá mé ag ~eacht fada go leor libh, I have listened to, have been patient with, you long enough.
Tá foighne fhada agam libh, I have been long patient with you.
Rinne sé ~ mhór leo, he was extremely patient with them.
Bheith ~ le duine, to be patient with s.o.
~ fadfhulangach, patient and long-suffering.
Foighneamh le duine, to be patient with s.o.
Is fearr foighne ná ~, it is better to be patient than to quarrel.
~ mná, (i) patient and courageous woman, (ii) bold, forward, woman.
~ a thabhairt d’othar, to ease a patient.
Tá ~ mhór aici le páistí, she is very patient in handling children.
Bheith ~ le duine, to be patient and sensible with s.o.