pota, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Pot. (a) ~ cré, iarainn, earthenware, iron, pot. ~ uisce, feola, prátaí, pot of water, of meat, of potatoes. ~í feola, flesh-pots. ~ stofa, stew-pot. Is breá an ~ a dhéanfaidh sé, it will make a fine bird for the pot. Ní bhaineann siad an ~ den tine, they never stop cooking; they feed themselves well. Ba mhaith leis é a bheith ina phota is ina mhála aige, he wants to have his cake and eat it. S.a. cloigeann 2. (b) An P~ Pádraig, ‘St. Patrick’s Pot,’ drink to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. (c) ~ gliomach, portán, lobster-, crab-, pot. 2. ~ (cairte), board of cart-box, box (of cart). 3. Nau: Tub.
Ná lig thar bhéal an phota é, don’t let it overflow the pot.
Cuir an ~ san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é, first catch your hare.
~ pota, bosca, lid of pot, of box.
A chloigeann (pota)! You blockhead!
~ cupáin, pota, tobáin, handle of cup, pot, tub.
Chnag sé an pota ar an urlár, he banged the pot on the floor.
Pota cnuasaigh, pot for cooking shell-fish, etc.
~ seastáin, pota, leg of stand, of pot.
Pota, soitheach, ~, earthen pot, vessel.
Potaí gliomach a chur, to set lobster pots.
Tá an pota ag cur amach, the pot is boiling over.
Pota a chur síos, to put a pot on.
Tá an pota ag cur thairis, thar maoil, the pot is spilling over.
Pota an ghoirm, pot for boiling homespun in blue dye.
2. ~ (pota), coating of soot (on pot).
~ soithigh, pota, (flat) lid of vessel, of pot.
Soitheach, pota, ag ~ean tríd, a vessel, a pot, leaking.
5. ~ pota, corcáin, pot-hook.
~ leitean, pota, pot-stick.
Brachán, pota, a mheascadh, to stir porridge, a pot.
Pota a sciomradh, to scrub a pot.
Pota a ~adh, to scrape a pot.
~a prátaí ar phota, scrapings of potatoes in a pot.
Potaí stóir, storage pots.
Thóg sí an pota den tine, she lifted the pot off the fire.
Tá súiche ar thóin an phota, there is soot on the bottom of the pot.
~ an phota, the best of the brew.