Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: premise · promisee · poise · prise · prose
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Chuirfeadh sé thar an ~ tirim thú, he is free with his promises.
Tá ~ mhaith faoi na barra, the crops look promising.
Gealltanas a bhaint de dhuine, to extract a promise from s.o.
Bíodh is gur gheall sé é, even though he promised it.
a chur ar d’aghaidh, to give oneself a lick and a promise.
~ don urla ~ don éadan, hurried toilet, a lick and a promise.
Chuir, bhuail, sé ~ ar a éadan, he gave his face a quick wash, a lick and a promise.
Do bhriathar a thabhairt le rud, to give one’s word, promise, for sth.
~ móide, solemn word, promise.
Ná ~ do ghealltanas, don’t break your promise.
Freagra, gealltanas, ~, definite answer, promise.
Thug siad gealladh gan ~adh ar a chéile, they promised not to betray each other.
Níor chloígh sé lena ghealltanas, he did not abide by his promise.
An dlí, na rialacha, móid, gealltanas, a choimeád, to keep the law, the rules, a vow, a promise.
Chuir sé de chomhad leis féin nach ndéanfadh sé a leithéid arís, he promised himself that he would not do the like again.
Gealltanas, dualgas, a chomhall, to carry out a promise, an obligation.
~ gealltanais, fulfilment of a promise.
Gealltanas, dualgas, a chomhlíonadh, to carry out a promise, an obligation.
Tá ~ mhaith ar na barra, the crops look promising.
Dá mbeadh ~ ar bith orthu, if they showed any promise.
Tá na huain ag cruthú maith go leor, the lambs are showing fair promise.
Cur le gealltanas, to fulfil a promise.
le gealltanas, fulfilment of promise.
Gheall sé dá mhac, dá iníon, é, he promised it to his son, to his daughter.
Thug sé gealltanas ~ dom, he made me a real promise.
Tá ~ air, he, it, looks good, promising.
An áit is dóchúla chun iascaigh, the most promising place for fishing.
Duine ~, (i) likely, promising, person, (ii) intruder (at meals), sponger.
(Focal mór, gealltanas) agus ~ leis, vain, empty (boast, promise).
Dá mbeadh ~ siar aige ar a fhocal, if he could modify his statement, qualify his promise.
Tá ~ mhaith faoi na prátaí, the potatoes look promising.
Gealltanas a fháil ó dhuine, to get a promise from s.o.
Ach an lá a bheith ~ dúinn, if there is promise of a good day for us.
D’fhocal a bhriseadh, to break one’s promise.
3. Ghabh sé uime ina fhocal, he went back on his promise.
Ghabh an lá uime ina thaitneamh, the day did not live up to its promise.
Thug sé na ~ta geala, he made the most wonderful promises. (Indicating forfeiture of pledge)
Mac is mór ~, a lad of great promise.
Rud a ghealladh do dhuine, to promise sth. to s.o.
Gheall sé tuarastal dom, he promised me a wage.
Gheall mé go rachainn leo, I promised that I would go with them.
An rud a ghealltar ó bhéal agus nach gcomhlíontar, what is promised with the lips and is not fulfilled.
Gheallfadh sé grian is gealach duit, he would promise you the sun and the moon.
~aim duit (go), I promise, assure, you (that).
Gheall sé a iníon dó, he pledged, promised, him his daughter in marriage.
Tá ~ faoi, it shows promise.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to make a promise to s.o.
~ a chomhlíonadh, a bhriseadh, to keep, to break, a promise.
Cur le do ghealltanas, to abide by one’s promise.
Shéan sé a ghealltanas, he went back on his promise.
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