Do mhuinchillí a chrapadh, to pull up, shorten, one’s sleeves.
Ceann ~e a choinneáil le duine, to pull along with s.o., to keep up with s.o. at work.
~ suas thú féin, (i) pull yourself together, (ii) wrap yourself up.
Tarraing ó fhréamh iad, pull them up by the root.
An ~ a tharraingt, to pull up the stake; to cast aside restraint.
Ag ~eadh fiaile, pulling up weeds.
~ ó fhréamh iad, pull them up by the root.
Fiaile a tharraingt, to pull up weeds.
~ ort an chathaoir sin, pull up that chair for yourself.
~ ó fhréamh iad, pull them up by the roots.
~ suas do stocaí ort, pull up your stockings.
~ suas anseo, pull up here.