Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cut out · cut-out · pant out · pour out · puff out
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.).
Leanbh a chur ar ~, to put a baby out to nurse.
Cuir ~ iad, put them out.
~ leis, (i) put him out, (ii) he came, went, out, (iii) out with it, say it.
Chuir sé amach a theanga orm, he put out his tongue at me.
Ná cuir as an solas orm, don’t put out the light on me.
Cuir as an solas, put out the light.
Bhánaigh siad an halla, they put everybody out of the hall.
Ná cuir thú féin as do bhealach leis, don’t put yourself out about it.
An ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to put s.o. out on the road; to dismiss s.o.
Chuir sé an cheist sin orm do mo bhrath, he put that question to me in order to try me out.
~eadh as a ghnó é, he was put out of business.
Chuir sé air a chasóg taobh ~, he put on his coat inside out.
~ as do cheann é, put it out of your head, forget it.
Chaith mé as mo cheann é, I put it out of my head.
Chaith sé ~ liom, he did me a favour, put himself out on my account.
Do cheann a chur amach (thar an doras), to put one’s head out (of the door).
Do theanga a chur amach, to put out one’s tongue.
Duine a chur amach as an teach, to put s.o. out of the house.
~ amach as do cheann é, put it out of your head.
Plandaí a chur amach, to put out plants.
Chuir sí amach an t-éadach ar tuar, she put out the clothes to bleach.
~ amach na ba sa pháirc, put the cows out into the field.
Chuir mé na ba ar féarach, I put the cows out to grass.
Duine a chur as obair, as a phost, to put s.o. out of work, out of his job.
Ná ~ as a bhealach é, don’t put him out of his way; don’t inconvenience him.
Chuir tú as gléas é, you put it out of order.
Solas, tine, a chur as, to put out a light, a fire.
~ as na coinnle, put out the candles.
Chuir sé as dom go mór, I was very much put out by it.
Duine a dhalladh, to blind s.o., to put out s.o.’s eyes.
An taobh ~ (den éadach) a chur amach, to put the right side (of the cloth) out.
~ as d’intinn é, put it out of your mind.
Rud a chur as a dhíreach, to put sth. out of alignment, out of plumb.
Duine a chur amach thar (an) ~, to put s.o. outside the door, out of the house.
~ ruda a fháil; ~ a fháil le, ó, rud, to work hard at, be painstaking with, sth.; to put oneself out to do sth.
Eallach a chur ar ~, to put cattle out to grass.
Beithígh a chur ar ~, to put cattle out to graze; to transfer cattle to summer pasture.
Rud a chur ó fheidhm, to put sth. out of action.
Duine a chur as ~, to put s.o. out of office, out of employment.
Is furasta ~t air, he is easily put out.
Níor chuir sé lá ~ air, he wasn’t in the least put out by it.
Solas, coinneal, a mhúchadh, to put out a light, a candle.
Cuireadh as ~ iad, they were put out of work.
Rud a chur as ~, to put sth. out of order.
Ainmhí a chur as ~, to put an animal out of pain.
Ná cuir thú féin as do shlí leis, don’t put yourself out to do it.
An ~ a chur as, a mhúchadh, to put out the light.
Tabhair an t~ dóibh, put them out on the street.
Bhris tú mo shrón, you put my nose out of joint; you overlooked me.
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