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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: shop · sip · slop · so · so-
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
sop1, m. (gs. & npl. soip, gpl. ~). 1. Wisp, small bundle (of straw, etc.). ~ féir, luachra, wisp of hay, of rushes. Tabhair ~ don bhó, give some fodder to the cow. Caithfidh ~ a chur ar an teach, I must do a bit of thatching on the house. ~ a chuimilt de rud, to give sth. a rub. Chuimil siad ~ is uisce , they performed the last ablutions on him; they finished him off. Níl ann ach ~ in áit na scuaibe, it is only a poor substitute, a makeshift. an ~ séidte, the fat is in the fire. ~ reaca, vintners bush. ~ siúirdín, ~ siúirlín, twisted wisp of straw as light for pipe. ~ srathrach, straddle-mat. S.a. gal1 3, geir. 2. Straw bedding; (straw) bed. ~ a chur faoin eallach, to bed down the cattle. Dul chun soip, to go to bed. suaimhneas ar ~ aige, he can rest easy; he is happy with his lot. Sin an ~ a raibh an t-iasc ann, that is the straw on which the fish was laid’, (as you can see) there is nothing left. F: ar an ~, he is on his death-bed. 3. ~ de dhuine, wispy person; unkempt person. Ruidín soip, trumpery thing. S.a. liam.
sop2, v.t. (vn. ~adh m, gs. & pp. ~tha). Light with straw. Tine a shopadh, to light a fire with straw. Abhainn a shopadh, to fish a river by torchlight.
Ag imirt ~ sop, casting lots (with straws).
Níor fágadh ~ sop ar an teach, the roof was stripped completely off the house.
Chuimil sop na geire díom, he wiped my eye.
~ soip, smoke from a wisp of straw; transitory thing.
raibh ann ach ~ soip, it was only a flash in the pan.
Dimigh mar ghal soip, it ended in smoke.
Ceirt, sop, na ~e a chuimilt do dhuine, to wipe s.o.’s eye.
Dimigh ina ghal soip, it disappeared like a wisp of smoke.
~ na sopóige, na sop, will-o-the-wisp.
D’~fadh an sop as an tsrathair, an chros den asal, cába Chríost, he is an irredeemable drunkard.
Níl ~ cleite, soip, bunóice, ann, he weighs no more than a feather, a straw, an infant.
Níl ~ soip acu i mo chás, they havent the slightest interest in my case.
an ~ ar an sop, sa bharrach, the fat is in the fire.
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