tine1, f. (gs. ~, pl. -nte). Fire. 1. (a) ~ ghuail, mhóna, coal-, turf-, fire. ~ a chur síos, a lasadh, to set, light, a fire. ~ bheag, (i) little fire, (ii) small open-air fire. ~ champa, camp-fire. ~ chnámh, bonfire. ~ Fhéile Eoin, St. John’s Eve bonfire. ~ íobartha, sacrificial fire. ~ rabhaidh, signal-fire, beacon. ~ aoil = tiníl. S.a. bealtaine, cos 1, 10, leaba 1. (b) ~ gháis, leictreach, gas-, electric, fire. (c) Coal of fire. ~ a chur ar phíopa, to light a pipe with a glowing ember. 2. Destructive fire, conflagration. (a) Teach a chur trí thine, to set a house on fire. Tá an áit trí, ar, le, thine, the place is on fire. ~ ifrinn, hell-fire. ~ bhruite, consuming fire. Bheith i d~ bhruite, to be in a consuming passion. S.a. arm1 1, faobhar1 3. (b) (Of combustible composition) ~ Ghréagach, Greek fire. 3. Incandescence, flame. ~ a thabhairt do phúdar, to fire powder. Tá an ~ ar an sop, sa bharrach, the fat is in the fire. 4. Luminosity, glow; flash. ~ ghealáin, (i) Will-o’-the-wisp, (ii) (summer) lightning. ~ ghealáin a choinneáil le duine, to keep annoying s.o. ~ shionnaigh, ~ an mhadra rua, Will-o’-the-wisp. ~ chreasa, (i) flint-fire, (ii) spark from stone, etc. S.a. caor 3, cloch1 1(a), splanc12. 5. Inflammation. ~ dhia, St. Anthony’s fire, erysipelas. Tá ~ ar a chraiceann, (i) his skin is inflamed, (ii) he is burning with impatience. 6. Firing of guns. ~ airtléire, artillery fire. ~ bharáiste, barrage firing. Idir thine an dá arm, in the crossfire. Bhí an ~ leis na sála acu, they were hotly pursued. (Var: gs. ~adh)
tine2, f = tuin.
Tine a ~t, to kindle a fire.
Lig ~ na tine chugainn, let us get the heat of the fire (unobstructed).
Ag an doras, an tine, an abhainn, at the door, the fire, the river.
Tá an tine ag dul in ~, the fire is going out.
Fan ~ ón tine, stay away from the fire.
Druid ~ chun na tine, come close in to the fire.
Chuaigh an tine as orm, the fire went out on me.
Ar ~ na tine, na gréine, na farraige, facing the fire, the sun, the sea.
Le tine is le h~, with fire and sword.
Tá an tine as, the fire is out.
3. ~ (na tine), (fire)hob.
Tine a bhá, to quench a fire.
An tine, an solas, an ghrian, a bhaint de dhuine, to get between s.o. and the fire, the light, the sun.
Idir dhá thine Bhealtaine, in a dilemma.
Chuir sí ~ ar an tine, she put fuel on the fire.
~ (de) thine, great, roaring, fire.
~ a bhaint as tine, to draw out embers from front of fire.
Tine, troid, a bheochan, to start a fire, a fight.
Tá sé ag an doras, ar an urlár, sa tine, faoi do chos, it is at the door, on the floor, in the fire, under your foot.
Tine a bhiathú, to feed a fire.
Tá ~ sa tine aige duit, he has a rod in pickle for you.
~ tine, fierce, roaring, fire.
~ tine, fire-brand; lighted sod, etc., carried as torch.
Tine, deatach, ag ~adh as simléar, fire, smoke, erupting from a chimney.
Tine bheag bhrufar, bright little fire.
Bhí an citeal ~te anuas ar an tine, the kettle was down on top of the fire.
Tine bhuaráin, dung fire.
Bhunaigh sé é féin ar leac na tine, he planted himself on the hearthstone.
Tine Chásca, paschal fire.
Tá an choinneal, an tine, ag ~eamh, the candle, the fire, is burning out.
~ ar an tine é, throw it on the fire.
An ~ a chur ar an tine, to raise the wind.
An síleann tú go bhfuil ~ ar an tine agam? Do you think I mint money?
~ thine, thintrí, fire-ball, meteor; thunderbolt.
D’imigh sé mar a bheadh an chaor thine ann, he shot off like a rocket.
~ thine ort! Bad luck to you!
2. ~ thine, shower of sparks; flash of lightning.
Tine chipíní, a fire of sticks.
3. ~ tine, hearthstone; front of fireplace.
~ tine a chur síos, to put on a big fire.